Sunday, November 6, 2011


Beloved~  I’m watching the leaves outside my window. They move from stillness, to being gently stirred, to a more intense movement and ultimately some are blown right off their branches. There is a hemlock in the background. Sometimes her branches are moving and the leaves closer to me are not disturbed. A wonderful metaphor for our lives now. There is peace and then in the next moment, there is turbulence. Where is your Center?

Nature is our beloved teacher reminding us of the constant change and cycles of life – the lush green turning to shades of gold, orange, red…then changing once again to brown and decomposing and transforming, only to be reborn again. For those of you new to my sharings through Miri Messages, all that I write is to support you in understanding that we are experiencing a wake-up call….a call to remembrance of our True Self, our True Nature.

This shift is about the completion of life lived from a personal self that is based in fear and survival, feeling incomplete or in need of fixing, along with the habitual and often painful patterns of thoughts, feelings, relationships, actions and conditioned beliefs….including all the ways we have been socialized to give ourselves away for ‘love’ and acceptance.

We are awakening to living life from our Divine Essence, with The Divine as our only Source and Alignment (no longer will we be bound and limited by people and the material objects of this world) and to living and creating with our Divine qualities.

The shift affects us emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. .
Like most of us, these changes have not come to me without struggling and feeling deeply lost and disconnected at times. In the midst of my transformations and changes, what came as a most important medicine or tool was to cultivate tenderness, allowing and compassion for all the wounded, struggling and unacceptable parts of my self……of learning/remembering HOW to turn towards these unacceptable parts of me, instead of resisting, denying and turning away. The heart is so is hurting when it closes to itself and to others .

The Heart of Humanity is opening…..the Beingness of The Divine in You
and as You ………is anchoring its Presence here, creating Heaven on Earth.

Honesty, authenticity, integrity and compassion, care and love FOR YOUR SELF are what are required of us NOW….not soon, but now!

More of my old patterns have been coming up these few days….gosh, I thought I’d already hit bedrock! And it has been quite intense at times. Nothing is bad or wrong – we’re just playing in a new playground and the old rules and equipment just don’t fit there …..where Love, Joy, true Freedom and Ease abound. And I love when the curtains begin to open and I can see, feel and experience the new energies and joyous freedom that are coming in as the ‘old me’ is released. Always more wonderful than one could plan or imagine.

So be tender with your self as best you can……cultivate finding and living in your Center, surround your self with like- minded and loving people. And of course I’d love to share reiki and some supportive coaching with you because it helps, and it also helps to sit with someone like me who has traversed this wild landscape!!

"People in love - Free yourselves from your past.
Get crazy! Become butterflies in your burning hearts!
Leave your home and distance yourselves from what you were.
Then seek the presence of those who are like-minded.
Cleanse your inner self and become clear.
Then drink the wine of love coming from ‘his’ hands.
Become elated and melt with the Lover.
Become one with yourself."
~ Rumi

All Love

Reiki Master
Transformation Coach
Divine Template Activation
Personal Sessions ~ Classes ~ Healing Circle

Reiki for Cancer Patients

Receiving the diagnosis of cancer is a life changing and traumatic event. We often feel unprepared, overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, frightened, exhausted, overstressed, and physically unwell as we move from diagnosis, through surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation and the occurring side effects, and anticipation and uncertainty about the future. Every part of us is affected.
Reiki treatments offer an oasis in the midst of the storm. Cancer patients who receive Reiki treatments report increases in relaxation, decrease in stress and anxiety and improved sense of well-being.
The body moves from fight/flight and stress into the relaxation response. Reiki nourishes us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Reiki is a complementary/integrative energy-based therapy using techniques and principles that have been with us for thousands of years.
It involves the gentle placing of hands on or slightly above the body in order to allow the energy of Reiki to be transferred to the patient.
The availability of Reiki is quickly increasing in many hospitals and cancer centers in large and small cities throughout the country (including New York City, Cambridge, Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Frederick, MD!) because patients are reporting very positive benefits.

Monthly Community Healing Circle

Join us for an evening of natural stress reduction, meditation, relaxation and healing. At the Healing Circle practitioners offer Reiki, Healing Touch, Reflexology, mini massage and more! These ancient modalities help to calm the mind and emotions; reduce and release pain, tension and anxiety and create balance. Come and release your stress and experience feelings of peace, harmony and well being.
The gathering begins with a seated, guided, meditation lasting approximately 15 minutes (see below). Sometimes we have a guest guiding the meditation and providing accompanying music such as flutes
or cello.

The Monthly Community Healing Circle is for the public and all complementary healing practitioners.  The Healing Circle is held on the first Monday of every month at 7:30-9:30 PM. Located at the Elks Lodge Ballroom 289 Willowdale Drive, at the corner of Shookstown Rd in Frederick  (off Rte 40 West and the Golden Mile).

After the meditation and announcements, practitioners set up tables or work with visitors seated in chairs. While some receive Reiki, Healing Touch, and other modalities, others sit quietly in chairs enjoying the peaceful and healing atmosphere. Some visitors come just to be in the presence of these healing energies, while others wait for their turn to receive from pracitioners at work.
Come and participate as a healer or as a client. It is supremely restful. Cost is $5 – children and teens are free and no one will be turned away. Everyone is welcome!