Thursday, February 21, 2013

It’s time to stop identifying your self as the character you have created.   It’s time to stop identifying your self as your personality, gender, your job, your status, your age, your history, your faults, your memories, your weaknesses, what parts of you still need to be corrected, healed, fixed.  It is time to claim your true identity.  We are in the process of removing the masks of our personality, the psychological entity that we’ve taken ourselves to be.

It is time Beloved – You are Only One Thing – You are Divine.  You are The Divine made manifest here  ……  You are The Divine.  
You are AS Holy as the most holy of saints, the wise and the godly/goodly ones  (I’m thinking Mother Teresa) who have come before to remind you.  You are as Holy because you are of the SAME substance.  You are as Holy because just like all the waves in the ocean are only 100% made of the same substance ……… so too – you are only of God Substance too, only 100% . At your very core, your trueselfbeingness is  the same as that of the Buddha, Jesus, Mary…   Feels strange doesn’t it.  So much easier to fall into judgment, doubt, criticism and not enough, not yet, need to fix this or that first……not good enough as I am.  I’ve still got these ‘few’ things, issues, this guilt and shame, these personality traits that I judge and call flaws, mistakes …… well………..    You’re looking in the wrong basket, the wrong mirror Beloved……

Stop.  Stop looking for your self through your weaknesses.  Breathe deeply.  Look out at the stars.  Look at the amazing colors of the sky at dawn, at dusk.  This is you.  Same~ Same.   Stop, please stop and open, breathe and receive the connections……  Let The Light of Your Divinity come in and expand and explode in you.

Let it touch your core, the same core essence that is within each and every one of us and explode a Remembrance that has been waiting to be born here on this planet.  As you let The Light of Your Divinity come in, it will shatter all these illusions and misunderstandings.  Nothing to do to earn it .  Just invite it in.   Remember.   Dare to see your self as holy, blessed and a blessing.  Each and every one of us.  You are Light Magnified here.  Namaste’

See the picture.  That’s an image of the Light of Your Being that is now ready and wanting to come into your body.  Let’s change the pictures people have been painting.  Let’s bring that Light into the body…..please……..  

A short and simple meditation to bring The Light of your Being into your body is on my Homepage at
The I AM Meditation is on the left side, almost at the bottom.  

 I AM In Love With You ~

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