I'm Still Needy
I’ve been triggered. Having ‘already’ done so much work on ‘me’, I was surprised and blessed this morning, while listening to someone talk, with the reveal that in fact – there are still many ways I do not have permission to acknowledge my desires and/or allow my needs to come first. Where I’m still denying what I’m yearning for and perhaps even feeling some shame…..? I’m still yielding and taking care of others, doing things I may not really want to do in the name of “_________”. I don’t like seeing these sticky places, I mean that my personality doesn’t.
SoulSelf rejoices with this revelation because it’s a story/lie/belief I’ve
been perpetuating and in this ‘seeing’ is the releasing.
is about noticing when I push my needs down, questioning my needs, qualifying
and quantifying them…… when I deny my needs in the name of ‘being more
spiritual’ …... I’m talking about me and money here. Woops, now
I’ve said it! How much money do I need? How much joy and pleasure,
thriving and having can I allow……how much money would I need….would I allow to
flow through me……to support living a fun, amazing, miri travelling so often
life. Yes, I love to travel. I’ve been denying my love and need for
that for too long …..
I touch that place with tenderness now….. realizing that I’ve been in denial of
this need for all the reasons that aren’t important to explore……just to realize
that I’ve been not willing to accept a desire/need for more in these
areas. Who am I to ask for more? Who am I to believe that the
universe wants to support this? I am so grateful for the clouds having
parted so I can activate The Grace of Permission to call in more
of what I desire and need for joyful soulful thriving living here on this
What are you lying to your self about, pretending that it doesn’t
matter……when in your truth, it does. Breathe deeply…..allow any emotions to
come up……do not go into more story for now……. Just breathe and be and allow
your particles to rearrange themselves ~ Grace ~ Receive.
I AM in Love with You
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