10/10/14 Grandma on a Bicycle~ My Breakthrough True Story!
I was visiting my children in Nashville and they wanted to go on a bike ride. Great! Except, I hadn’t been on a bike in years and I’m not strong and in great shape. Okay and "no hills" I prayed because I also had the bike without gears to shift and make it easier.
And then we came to a hill ..... my son suggested I simply walk up the hill which I unhappily did. All the little gremlin voices in my head began to chatter and make me feel ashamed, embarrassed and frustrated with my self.
"Really! No more hills!" I prayed again. Of course - another hill!
Watch my short video http://youtu.be/trX5pmW5nX4 and learn the magical words I used that changed everything... that supported me in actually being able to ride straight up to the top of the hill!.
You can use these same magical words to immediately stop the mind chatter of
“I don’t know how to do this, if I can, I’m afraid, I can't, why bother, what’s wrong with me, I'm so embarrassed and ashamed”
These same magical words will
change your toxic heavy self blame cesspool into a field of Empowering Positivity that will help
you **definitely get to where you want to go and have you instantly **feeling so
much better about your self!!
I use them whenever I start to
beat my self up about what I can't do.....
“Grandma on
a Bicycle Breakthrough! “ http://youtu.be/trX5pmW5nX4
8/14/14 The Gift of Robin Williams
The passing of Robin Williams gives us all
moments to pause, reflect and receive the Gifts of his presence and passing
from our world.
heart opens to his suffering AND his brilliance, of how challenging it is to
try to fit in, when it is clear you do not, and that it can often feel uncomfortable being here in this human space
gift of his Light, his Brilliance and how he made everyone laugh, and cry……
Could you also sense his suffering through it all. Let those deep places
be touched in you……. Breathe and allow….. Let your heart be
touched and let it open, perhaps a crack more…… to receive The Light of
Own Compassion and Love.
….. Return to Compassion, Kindness and Love…..Perhaps noticing that you
have more caring
tenderness now
to offer your self
and the world.
sometimes you just can’t do it alone – Please reach out for support.
7/27/14 Are you someone who learned, just as I did, to give your self away - and now you want the Real You back?

day you begin to see that these behavior patterns aren’t really true for you or
serving you anymore. You don’t need to get angry with them or your
self. All of these patterns served you for very good reason….
And you keep allowing them, until there is a realizing that you want something
different – that you want to get more in touch with the True You, The Authentic
want to begin to craft your life from authenticity instead of from appeasing,
adapting and fear.
been disassembling my patterns for quite a while……. I’m down to another layer.
The gift for me at this point is that I have developed skills and tools (that
I’m happy to share so you too can move into more authentic living!) that allow
me to move through the pains and traumas that are beneath these patterns, that
actually caused the patterns to come forth……..with gentleness and kindness
towards my self…….which makes everything a whole lot different. The
outcome is inner peace, joy and a whole lot more possibilities!!
you, I yearned to be free of the
limitations I have placed on my ‘self’ that kept me from expressing my true self…… and now there is a whole
lot more of peace and calm within me instead of conflict, doubt, confusion,
anxiety, depression……
Spirit/God limit, or is there simply a marveling, an allowing with all of
creation. Notice the tendency to get annoyed, feel ashamed or even angry
with parts of your self – parts of ourselves we reject, disconnect.
here’s a simple tool to try with something you don’t have a lot of charge
with. If you see a pattern that no longer serves you……. just
allow your self to NOTICE what is there…..Allow it to be as it is…..BREATHE and
allow some more. Rest in your heart center. Breathe in and
out while focusing on your heart center, not your mind.
the nonjudgmental simple noticing and allowing is the opportunity for
transformation of energy into something different. You don’t always have
to contract and resist. Grace is right here~ Allowing what is,
embracing instead of rejecting.
ask what is authentic for you. What do I need here? Be curious, like a
child…..innocent and curious….. Breathe – and choose something different
for your self~

you like support for crafting a life of authenticity? Is there something
you are ready to more deeply understand and embrace about your self?
I can help you ~
6/13/14 How Solar Flares Effect Us
You’re okay and you’re not doing something wrong. Stop looking to criticize your self, once again. Stop worrying, drink lots of water, breathe, allow, get out in nature. Schedule a session for your self and have your energies cleared and rebalanced and receive support for releasing those old emotional patterns and toxic thoughts! Allow your self to receive~ Drink even more water, and give extra water to your children and pets too!
If you’re a Lightworker, a Starseed, an Angel, a Sensitive – it’s hardest on us because we tend to think we must still be doing something wrong and why cant we be done processing our stuff. We’re getting there and doing such an amazing job, truly!! I AM here to fluff your angel wings – Come for a Session - Release ~ Feel Peace Once Again
“ Many people will feel jittery and un-easy during high solar flare activity. The solar flares can break apart old thought patterns that are no longer needed so new ones can emerge. This can make us feel the extremes of either hyperactivity and exhaustion. It can also wreck havoc with technology such as computers. ……. Solar flares can cause us to be nervous, anxiousness, worrisome, jittery, dizzy, shaky, irritable, lethargic, exhausted, have short term memory problems and heart palpitations, nauseous, queasy, and to have prolonged head pressure and headaches. … The solar flares and photon waves are changing the fabric of our physical reality as they have a dramatic effect on our physical cellular level, causing our cellular memories to awaken and clear….. we find ourselves releasing these lower emotions of sadness and grief without knowing why.” You can read more at http://www.carliniinstitute.com/how_recent_solar_flares_are_affecting_us.
Much Love
5/29/14 Memorial Day Forgiveness
Beloved~ As we leave the energies of Memorial
Day and move into June, I share this Miri Message that I actually wrote
on Monday Memorial Day. I have the sweet habit still of ‘hesitating’ to
send out these messages. I’m getting better….just like you xo (If you’re
new on my email list, I share Miri Messages as they come through me, hoping
that something I write about allows you to realize that I am sharing something
you’re familiar with…..and that this helps you see your self and your choices,
your life differently – ultimately with more tenderness, awareness and belief
in your ability to create and have something different for your self.)
Memorial Day - As I pondered what to share about this
day……something happened to show me. I had a new client scheduled for our
first session this afternoon. We had reconfirmed earlier that day, so I
knew the client was aware of our scheduled time. I waited. I
waited. 15 minutes past our appointment and no word. ….I waited. I
felt the frustration and feelings of annoyance rising in me and all the
thoughts that went everywhere from concern to annoyance, noticing my reaction
seemed a bit out of proportion, and you know how that is…..
I paused. Okay, what can I do here, I asked. I’m one of
those, like many of you, who isn’t comfortable with anger. I watched the
feeling of victimhood arising in me, blame…… Then I took a deep breath
and a few more deep breaths. Then I stopped and checked in to my body to
see where I was feeling this energy of frustration and blame……
Anger, Emotion, E-Motion, Energy in Motion.
It was pooled in my lower belly, second chakra,

shifted my attention to my chest, my heart chakra and I breathed here….allowing
the energies to expand and open my heart, encompassing my client and my
totally different now - my energies had changed and shifted and my entire body
was now relaxed and open and my heart and belly were soft. The previous
‘story’ was gone, unless I wanted to work at resurrecting it – which you may
well be able to do. Now why would you want to do that!
– there was no fixing or changing the story, me or the other. There
was just noticing, allowing, breathing, being, breathing……
FORGIVING - Most of us are taught that forgiveness is
about forgiving another, the other who had ‘wronged’ you, in this case, this
client who had caused my stress and anger. That is only half, maybe less
than half of the process, and truly incomplete at best.
my world, I have discovered that the one who needs the forgiving - is
me. Most of us are not taught to pay any attention to ourselves in the
Forgiveness Process……. forgiving your self. Look again at what you
are still holding against another. It is YOU who still suffers because it
is not another you need to forgive, it is your very self you need to
your self for all the thoughts and feelings you had, your reactions…. and the
difficulties you still have around letting go. Forgive your self for
feeling helpless, hopeless, anger, being a victim to another, sadness…...
Forgive your self for not being able to move on.

do you still not have permission to feel? What you are feeling? Can
you give your self permission today, the way you would gently notice the child
who is at a birthday party….you can see the child wondering and worrying if
there will be enough cake on the plate left for him/her to have a piece……of
course the child might be feeling all that……. innocent thoughts and feelings
until someone shames you and you must disconnect and shut down all those
innocent feelings that come up in us….. Zebras have stripes; human beings have
feelings. It is natural. No one told you that. No one gave
you permission….to feel…..to be you….. And you’re angry with your self ….
How painful…..
even as you are reading this. Continue to breathe deeply down into your
belly. And out of this lack of permission to feel, grew all the ways we
judged ourselves and closed our hearts to our very own self. The
acknowledgements, permission to feel that you did not receive from
another……..you can now give this to your self.
gift is in creating the safe compassionate space for you to share and release
these judgments you have against your self, the pain and anxiety …….and to once
again experience the flow of life energy moving through you, emotions,
e-motion, energies in motion. What have you not had permission to feel completely
through….and you’ve actually been holding it and feeling the heaviness of it
for so long. Are you ready to dissolve it - Together we can discover that
it is actually safe to feel, and in the permission to feel, to be who you are –
is the Gift of Golden Peace –
see You – I’m here to hold your hand, you are safe……you deserve to be free and
to dance in magical expression of the Beautiful Divine Being that you truly
WELCOME HOME. You can arrange a session with Miri via phone,
skype or in person in Charlotte .
SEE YOU – I AM in Love with You
5/29/14 You Are Innocence and Perfection......Remember~

5/22/14 You Are Angels In Disguise.....Remember~
5/9/2014 Greetings~
– Remember Wonder and Innocence? Barely?
The reason
this shift away from Innocence happened is simple – it was part of the design
of having this human experience.
We’re at the
Edge of Glory – we are ready now to return Home, while still in physical
form. It’s a vibrational shift I’m speaking of and thank you Albert Einstein for confirming for us that everything is in fact - vibration/energy.
We are ready
now to claim our birthright, to realize and live from the True Source of our
Being and our True Self, from our Spirit/Soul/I AM, as The Divine Manifested in
Form and realize this, not just as a nice thought – but to actually get it and
live it …..becoming aware of who we truly are and what we are capable of
This return to Source Consciousness always begins within and
with ourselves. We change, and then our outer world begins to
mirror the vibrational shift in us.
We are
shifting the foundation of our lives, how we define ourselves, what we believe
ourselves capable of doing, being, becoming……possibilities that are born from
our true nature ipo living from our old reactive patterns. We are ‘changing
lanes’. We
are moving into SoulFilled living instead of continuing the drama, limitation
and lack that our human personality has known.
We are being
gifted with the sacred opportunity to shift the framework, structure, our
foundation from which we live and create to Christ Consciousness as our foundation, to living
from The Heart, to seeing that we really are capable and DESIGNED to change our
vibration from dense, heavy painfilled living to a return to Wonder &
We’re at the Edge of Glory. It is not about reviewing,
fixing or changing what was - This movement away from identifying and seeing ourselves as our stories is actually accomplished by shifting our
vibration. One cannot be here, having a human experience without having
been sent by the I AM of you, by the Soul, Spirit, The Divine and this
continuous connection must be in order for us to have life. …. (though I surely do get this feeling of separation and ‘aloneness’)
We’re on the
Edge of Glory – because the human is being taken up and into the vibration of
the Divine True Self. It is as though your parent finally shows up,
sweeps you up into their arms and with the most tender understanding and
unconditional love embraces you, embraces all of you and says I AM here now,
Welcome Home. This is the transformational Love that changes
It is already
who you are……this part of you has just been waiting in the background, if you
will. Actually, we are already held, loved and embraced this way.
And now it is time to know, feel and experience this level of self acceptance, of unconditional love that no one, except your True Self can give you. It has always been Truth – it
is not another’s love and acceptance you need. It is your own. And we’ve been looking to others
and the material world to help us feel loved, we’ve been trying to fit in,
manipulating ourselves and those around us …. so that we can feel better, be
accepted, loved. It’s an inside job Beloved…..and your Soul is
coming to claim its place now, to fill your body with its perfection, to live
the rest of our days in Splendor and Glory! SoulFilled Living
I know
because I am experiencing this shift into feeling the deep acceptance and love
of my Self for me, for all the parts of me…… Magic & Miracles….and if
I can, you can too! It is not the ego that is learning to love
itself. It is The
Divine of You that is coming forth to bring all its aspects back home into its
Heart. I know
what it is to feel disconnected, not enough, broken, ashamed…… We are
I promise– YOU CAN shift your vibration and your life into
Acceptance, Grace, Miracles, Peace and Glory!!!
OK – so how
to begin to change your vibration to more easily access your True Self so the
personal dramas can begin to release their grip on your life.
I love
Einstein’s words – we cannot fix the problem at the level it was created at.
We must go to a higher level. What this means to me is that we must go to
a higher vibrational level and once there, the ‘problems’ and issues are
actually transmuted, changed by this vibration.
Here are my 3
favorite ‘medicines’ for vibrational shifting into your higher vibrational
self... into Peace, Calm and Gentleness.
1- Be in Gratitude as much as you can whenever you can REGARDLESS of what
you are struggling with. Find things to be grateful for. They are
everywhere and I promise you that when you pay more attention to these,
breathing and savoring the good, instead of allowing your monkey mind to
capture you you will begin to feel better.

2- Spend time in nature. If you can’t get outside then
google nature images. It works, trust me…..
3 - Do the things that bring you joy….small simple things. You are refocusing your
attention and actually changing your vibration. Small thing – huge
result. Remember Einstein’s wisdom!
I AM here to
support your shift with Intuitive Guidance, Coaching and Energy Transmissions
including Soul Infusion….. supporting you to change lanes, leave your baggage behind and shift the very
foundation and the matrix of your life here – release anxiety, depression, doubt, trauma…… receive new
perspectives and create the changes you've been longing for in all areas of
your life. There is no such thing as ‘distance’, so
if you feel drawn to working with me please connect
And If you’ve gotten to
here you deserve a surprise gift – please mention this Miri Message and receive
$20 off your next session!
YOU are the
Blessing~ You are Blessed
Much Love
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