Thursday, January 7, 2016

A Different Way to Get Exactly What You Need in 2016 Without Writing Your Lists and Goals             

If goal setting for the New Year no longer resonates for you and you wonder if there isn't another way to come to the Peace, Fulfillment, Partner, Job, Love, Joy you crave, try this: 


Truth is, most of us have actually not been successful with our New Year Goals and Resolutions in the past.  After just a few weeks, we fall short of staying committed and then we begin to beat ourselves up and shame ourselves... 

I want to offer you something radically different for 2016 in place of setting goals and making your list...
Surrender, Yes, Surrender

I know you have situations, struggles, pain, people, relationships that you want to change, that have not been working … things you hate about your self that you want to overcome ...

We are taught to 'take charge' and to create our list, to state our intentions for the New Year ... to find ’the perfect words' and 'right' way to do this … so that the outcomes 'you' want and the changes you want to make in your behavior (aka I can't stand this about my self for one more second!) can happen. It doesn't work...  

Instead, I invite you to experience this visualization (written for you below) to clear the slate and create the space for the New Year. Most believe in a Higher Power - God, Consciousness, I AM, Spirit.  You're not really in charge.  You don't really make it happen. Your Higher Self, Soul, God already knows exactly what you need in order to bring you into greater alignment with Love... with Peace... to bring you fulfillment...  
I have come to this place of Surrender after many, many years of thinking it is my job to do, to control, to figure things out… to make resolutions… to ‘take charge’ of my life. 
Finally, I see.  I see that I do not know how to make things happen. Do you really know how?  How well have you done? 

I do not really know how to ‘release’ and get over my issues, my stuff, the people in my life that continue to make me feel less than, awful, unworthy and confused.  I want to say 'I release and I'm done' – and have it all disappear. Or 'I intend' and have 'the job or the partner' appear.  It doesn’t honestly seem to work that way… (be honest now). 
It's because we are begging and conniving and we have not been taught how to be truly honest with our selves ... We do what we're taught - and we set goals from our egos.   
I know what I need to make me happy, fulfilled…  I will get a new job by March, have a different partner in my life. We make that list of the things we want to have or achieve.  I’ll be happy, feel good about my self or I'll accept and love my self when_____ 
Do something different this year.  Make room for your Soul.    

Create the space and Allow for Your Higher Self, God, Spirit to bring you exactly what you need, what is truly in your highest good and what will ultimately bring you the greatest blessings and peace.   This is the way Beloved.  "I do not know what is in my Highest Good. And you- I Am, Spirit, God-  do know.  I surrender this mess to you.  I ask for a new perspective so that I might have peace in my heart regardless of what is going on.

I surrender this issue of _____to you.  I thank you, I am Grateful now, knowing that you always bring me exactly what I need, the people I need to meet, the home, the job I need to be in … that is perfect for me, so that I can fulfill my Soul’s longing for this lifetime" 

"Thy Will be done, not my will.”   This means not the will of your human ego that does not see the bigger picture of your life….

You are Blessed and Loved
     AlreadyNow~ Evermore~   

*Guided Visualization for Your Surrender*   

It is a warm spring day.  Imagine yourself at the ocean’s edge.  Take a few deep breaths as you watch the waves.  Feel the warm breeze and the sunshine on your skin.  Feel your breathing slowing down, entraining with the waves.  Relax and Be here. 

Think of your top 3 issues and goals and declare:

“I do not know what this is about.  I do not know what this is for or why it is happening this way. I do not know how to fix this.  I do not know what is best for me now. I surrender and give this to You…  

Imagine your self offering your struggles to the Ocean … as though you were truly giving it all to God.  Imagine that you are holding it all in your hands and gently pour it into the ocean. Surrender ... 

Surrender to the waves, to the ocean.  Breathe

Then take some moments and allow your self to be nourished by the warm sunshine.  Imagine this potent, powerful loving nourishing Light filling you and warming you everywhere. Breathe and receive The Light.

And then over the next few days and weeks see what comes back to you ... how you or the situation are changed ....

Do your best to not think about your issues.   Instead occupy your self with the things that bring you Joy.  Sing to your self, connect with nature.  Smile at your self when you start trying to figure things out. Smile and go back to the surrender with the thoughts:  'I give it all to you.  I trust you.  You know what is best for me.  Thank you.' 

See what comes to you over the next few weeks in Divine Perfect Timing.

You are not in charge. 
Surrender to The One Who Knows exactly what you need and
Who Loves You Unconditionally and Without End

Remember, do your best to not ponder or take back control  : -)  

Can you feel the peace already ... allow, trust, let go and surrender to The One

I am a Pioneer in Self Compassion and Self Acceptance

If you feel stuck and want to do things differently, please click here  to email me and schedule a Complimentary Consultation.                                                     

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