Thank you for joining me on this Sacred Journey of
Transformation back into the Heart of Peace and Love
Transformation back into the Heart of Peace and Love
It's been really topsy turvy, especially these past few days. I find myself even more sensitive... quickly going from feeling overwhelmed and sad to a few hours later, after precious time with friends, feeling like I am dancing around like a butterfly. I've been Up and Down, High and Low.
Something that is good to learn to do is TO OBSERVE, to become The Observer... to pull back a little and to separate from the intense emotions... WATCH what's unfolding as if it was a movie on the screen.
Pause, gently push back and breathe deeply. Watch your chest rise and fall. Imagine the breath travelling through your body down into your feet. You will soon find this practice very soothing, calming and rebalancing.
It's been quite uncomfortable and chaotic for a while now...
And since the elections, regardless of who you voted for, it is even more important to have the tools that help you find peace and balance, help you return to your core of peace more easily and faster and help clear your chaotic energies. For many of us this IS the call of the hour -
Finding, maintaining, returning to, holding Peace - Being Peace
We are being disassembled in many ways, and made new again. And it's not easy on our psyche or our physical body.
Our bodies are not 'cooperating or behaving' either. We find ourselves frequently exhausted. So many have gotten sick and recovery is a slower than usual process.
Fear, anxiety are showing themselves more and more for some of us. We're scared, distressed and nervous.
What to do -
^ Get out in nature - and really pay attention and cherish her gifts.
^Get into the habit of pausing and breathing easily and deeply a few times each hour. Okay - maybe let's start with pausing to consciously breathe every few hours :-)
^ Be patient and gentle with yourself - like you would with a young child who has had a rough day. You wouldn't bully that child, would you? So please don't be so short and unkind with yourself.
^ Slow everything down. Become mindful and become acquainted with all of your senses... and your body, noticing how everything looks and feels.
I'm always in my head, thinking about something other than what is happening in the present moment.
This is just a habit and neuroscience says we can change our habits. We just have to commit and practice doing things differently. *Don't get angry with yourself and your habits. Habits are innocent... Just choose to do something different.
^ It's lovely when I pause, slow down and become mindful of my body, my body parts and how well they work... and how I'm feeling... ah, peace...
^ Smile.
^Spend time with uplifting friends.
^ Make a conscious choice to DO THE THINGS THAT BRING YOU JOY.
^ We are not who we tell ourselves we are. I love hearing when we say - "Oh, I couldn't do that or I could never say that. That's not me." Really?
Our True Self is not who we name ourselves to be - our gender, age, profession, education, habits, patterns, emotions, tendencies...
We have a persona, an ego that is a constellation of patterns, conditionings, beliefs, habits, feelings, preferences, histories and stories ...
Truth - We are Spirit having a human experience.
Our human self looks for peace, love, safety, satisfaction, purpose, joy.
Our Spirit, Our Soul, Higher Self ALREADY IS all of these qualities
It doesn't have to learn them or earn them.
It doesn't have to learn them or earn them.
So then we simply have to access what our Spirit already has... ALREADY
The easiest way to stay steady in these chaotic times,
to be able to live in and return to Peace, Compassion, Courage, Joy, Abundance, Trust, Kindness
is to connect
with the energies of Our Spirit, Our Soul, Our Higher Self.
The easiest way to stay steady in these chaotic times,
to be able to live in and return to Peace, Compassion, Courage, Joy, Abundance, Trust, Kindness
is to connect
with the energies of Our Spirit, Our Soul, Our Higher Self.
These are its natural attributes. Your Spirit, Higher Self IS
Peace, Unconditional Love, Compassion, Courage, Trust, Kindness, Wisdom.
Your Spirit is waiting to connect with you.
One of the easiest ways to connect with your Spirit
is with Reiki.
Your Spirit is waiting to connect with you.
One of the easiest ways to connect with your Spirit
is with Reiki.
Come take a Reiki Class - Come Have a Reiki Treatment
My reiki classes are listed here
After Reiki Level One you will be connected
to these energies of Unconditional Love
and you will be able to give yourself Reiki AND give Reiki to your child, another and pets.
My reiki classes are listed here
After Reiki Level One you will be connected
to these energies of Unconditional Love
and you will be able to give yourself Reiki AND give Reiki to your child, another and pets.

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