Post Easter Energies
– APRIL 8 Before Tuesday’s heatwave

do take care of yourselves during these times of great shift. Give your
body what it is asking for…..especially fresh air, being in nature, lots of
water, deep breaths and rest/sleep. Be tender and gentle with your self as you
are asked to finally feel what you have repressed. Nothing can remain
hidden. Everything returns to harmony. We have already
rebalanced so much!! In the next few days, weeks notice how you are
showing up differently.....this is how you realize how much your vibration has
is wrong, and especially not with you! Spring energies have been starting
and stopping and not really fully anchoring…….. On every level we and
every thing have been held back to allow for smoother and more complete
integration of these new vibrations…..all to support you in releasing who you
thought you were…..all your stories, thoughts and feelings that kept you
limited and repeating ……everything that keeps you from living your life
in higher heart centered consciousness….Being You! Spring in Frederick has
been the perfect reflection of ‘waiting’ and allowing Divine Timing to be in
charge… we have another choice J
And at the same time – many of you are already stepping out and life is meeting
you in a deliciously abundant way… you see how you are already
NOW have the opportunity to create fresh – from desires birthed from our soul,
in freedom… longer limited by our past. You choose. Release
your stories, your limitations, your lack, your pain, your victimhood
mentality. Nothing was done to you that you did not agree to……all for the
experiences here on earth……and now everything is supporting your
return to God Consciousness. If you feel like you don’t know how to do
this….. ASK for help. If that means pray, then please do……and
allow The Universe to bring you what you need to release you from the
limitations, struggles and pain….

new way is where you get to sing your song, live a life that is true to
you. Your old stories were not you… was only the part you were
playing here in this play of life experience. You’ve been through so much
and now it is your time to experience the opening of your tender beautiful
heart and create from the LOVE and Inspiration that is your unique expression
of The Divine. Yes, we all carry this beautiful vibration of
Love…….. and as you look around you will find more people moving into living in
harmony with their Spirit, with their Knowing and living Love.
past few weeks especially, I know many of you have been dealing with your own
issues about stepping out, speaking your truth, beginning something new,
releasing the old…… lots of emotions are coming up……. I
have been dealing with all of this too …..moving through and taking the next
step, and feeling wonderful all at the same time! And I AM great; through
it all. I AM wonderful and so very blessed and grateful!
was a most intense time for me around a primal core wounding that showed up as
my need to protect others, especially the ones I cared about…..and especially
my children and granddaughter. I have been able to feel the deep
pain I have carried through many lifetimes from my perceptions and
misperceptions and my experiences around how we have mistreated each other, for
me particularly around how children have been parented in the old paradigm of
power over and enforcing behavior and control through guilt, anger, shame,
power over……ugh….all that pain in me was coming up. Thank you everyone
who triggered me so I could begin to truly feel what I had pushed down and
disconnected from ……(remember that this is how we survive the unbearable and
the trauma) ……just touch the hem of the garment of it all with allowing,
tenderness and compassion for my self and more allowing……being authentic and
allowing my feelings to come up, allowing the memories and aha’s to
come……witnessing …....
is the time for me to declare – I’m done with that pattern. How ever it
served me……I don’t need it anymore and it is no longer truth for me. The
magnetics of it are now discharged. And I breathe deeply. I
have felt and experienced the pain of this on so many levels. I am
grateful for those who listened compassionately and wisely. I am grateful
for my daughter – who truly heard me. What a gift to be deeply
heard. I now know not to keep picking up the thoughts and stories…..which
then allows them to continue to roll around in my head which keeps me captive
to these old toxic thoughts and emotions. I particularly notice that when
I get ready for sleep…..these thoughts think it is their opportunity to jump in
and grab my attention. In the past I would have just been hooked right in
…..playing and replaying scenarios in my mind.. Lately I notice my self
saying NO, not going there. And I replace it with a joyfilled thought
instead. I love when Moooji says: “Just don’t pick it up”
And I drop down into my heart center…..breathing there…..
Life is a Mystery. Live in the ‘I don’t know mind,’ not in
your conclusions and your stories. Allow, invite, and expect something
new instead of expecting the old to repeat itself. Dance with The Mystery
and The Love of Your Beloved, Your Divine Holy Self who is so present for you
now…..present and pushing the old up, so you can finally feel it and release
it. Your body truly becomes a temple for God Consciousness as the
reactive patterns of your persona are dissolved. You have the power of
Choice now. When doubt starts to wave at me, I remember the words:
”I Can Do It” I AM the power, I AM the Glory. I AM.
live in the most magical of times. Only a short while past I would not
have had the ability to change my reality by changing my thoughts…..even tho
many said I could. I guess I just still had too much to process,
feel….whatever – how can one explain the unexplainable…… Now, I see
that I can say NO to my toxic thoughts and choose different joyfilled thoughts
to focus on.
and more I can feel the beautiful peacefilled energies within when I focus on
and breathe in my heart chakra ……feeling what it is like to live there. I can
breathe and do that right now and notice my mouth drawn into a smile. I
can feel the shift as I practice saying with all things and people: “I
Love You. Thank You for Loving Me.” (from panache desai) I love living in
Gratitude instead of victimhood…..and I watch as my entire life and my
beingness shifts….
ancient, fearbased , self protective and survivor based patterns coming up for
resolution and release. How Divine. What Grace to witness these
miracles. “There are only two ways
to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as
though everything is a miracle.” Albert
victims – I created whatever is showing up that triggers me. I have the
opportunity and the ability to look at it, be authentic with it all and allow
it to move through me …..transforming me into living Heaven here now. We
are creating all the time…..what are you creating? What is your
path is through……… and you can do it. You have everything you need
to open what has been locked up inside you and feel now……feel through
….to the other side – Grace.
You’re not the child who felt overwhelmed and frightened. Be with God/The
I AM and all things are possible. “Ask and you shall receive”
Recommended: Books - The
Untethered Soul by Michael Singer and Proof of Heaven by Eben
Alexander. Google Ted Videos by Brene’ Brown.
to music (suggest: Jim Oliver
) It transforms. Spend 5 minutes with music and experience a
shift. Be with people who support you and lift you up. Attend
to your self body, mind, emotions and spirit. Be with nature.
I AM in Love with You~
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