Tuesday, May 7, 2013

April 13 - Where Did I Go? 

Beloved~ Oh my goodness. It is glorious out and all I want to do is nap. Also feeling like whatever held this ‘me’ in place……has been smooshed and moved around. Where did I go? I can’t find that old resonance of the familiar and comfortable me. I’m good; just feeling a bit off and odd…. and smiling as I watch ‘me’ try to find the old familiar. And so if one day you feel like this too…..maybe you’ll remember this message and know All is Well…..we’re just being recalibrated once again to accommodate new LightCodes.   For Sure!!! And yes, often times the body needs a lot of rest when this is going on. Happy blue skies, sunshine, flowers and tiny leaves opening everywhere. The skyline went from brown to green overnight – did you notice? ~Magical~

New Spring Vibrations: Imagine that you’ve been through a cold long winter, just like we have been through. Spring has finally come and you’ve still got your favorite warm turtleneck sweater on. You’re wearing your very warm down coat and it’s still buttoned up. You’ve got your scarf, gloves and hat. These are no longer a match for the vibration of spring you’re in.

This is us now. We are in a new pattern/vibration. Yesterday, the coat, sweater etc. served and supported you. It all felt right and comfortable. Today our old garments are no longer appropriate. Remove, release them and receive your new garments.

You can’t keep your old stuff with you as you come into this new vibration. It is no longer supporting or a match. Some of you have hit the wall hard these past few weeks. Our stuff continues to come up for release and realignment. Old limiting stories, beliefs, definitions, playing victim are just going to get more and more uncomfortable in this season of New Growth. The job, the relationship, the friendships, where you live…. Some of you are on your new paths already. Do some thing, ONE thing different please. Simply Stop, breathe and do or say some thing differently. 
I once again find my self in ‘I don’t know anything’ and I can only be in the moment and do what is needed. What Grace.   Remember Maureen Moss’ words: ‘Become a stranger to your self.’ It doesn’t feel comfortable….I hear you….and we are OK. “Re-examine what you have been told. Dismiss what offends your Soul,” Walt Whitman. It’s time for SoulFilled Living. Every way you smile and say - this is me……may well be that some or all of “that me” is being removed or rebalanced. We are being unhooked every which way. You are unlimited, expansive, expanding…. You are the un nameable made manifest here. GodBeing in Human Form. Godlings I heard someone say! Be willing, be curious…..to let go of what you think you know and how things work, live in the I don’t know mind ……so you can open to Grace and Conscious Heartful Living .
All Love,

            *Workshop - Saturday, April 7 
“When you are in acceptance of your self,  You and God are One. 
When you are no longer judging, which is a form of resistance and separation, you are in Oneness. 
In this Oneness -  peace, abundance, joy, unconditional love are your natural state. 
You and your life are the path; there is no other and no other way.” Miri
Reflection  ~  Release  ~  Realignment
through Music,  Writing,  Art,  Dialogue,  Spiritual Yoga

                                                            ~open your heart to you~ 
We’ll be gently exploring and joyously dissolving our limitations, stories, beliefs and struggles around
**PERMISSION – Most of us do not have permission to be ourselves……to FEEL what we feel without having to continue to stuff it, deny it, judge it; to SPEAK our truth; to honor OUR KNOWING and stop denying what we ‘know’.   It’s time for you to experience Permission to Be You without judgment, shame or guilt!!!  The Divine doesn’t create mistakes.  All judgments, shame, guilt you have about yourself come from someone else.  Let’s step out of someone’s else’s stories and beliefs.    
**What have you been BELIEVING ABOUT YOUR SELF THAT IS NOT TRUE ….and it has been running your life?
**Do you sometimes JUDGE YOUR SELF as 'TOO ______".  I'm too bossy, too sensitive, too much, too controlling ......playing with this and finding the pearl within the judgment and misunderstanding and the freedom to be just as we are!

~~Join us if you’re ready to move into more Self Acceptance, Self Love, Allowing, New Discoveries, Insight, Revelation. Gratitude, Joy, Freedom and Grace ~~   


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