Solar eclipses mark the end of a 19-year cycle relating to the activities relevant to each astrological sign. A Taurus solar eclipse brings up issues of self-worth and values. Since this eclipse is near the South Node of the Moon, we might have to examine old value systems that no longer serve our lives. Do you honor the talents you have? Do you know what values stand at the center of your life? Take time to dig deep in the soils of Taurus and weed out any old negative behavior patterns entrenched there. Prepare the soil for new growth.
When we know our own worth, we can also access to the archetypal realm of Beauty, Desire and Fertility which is ruled by Venus/Aphrodite. Know what you value in this precious life we have, because why build something you don’t value? www.wisdom-of-astrology.com/astrostarsarticles/the-cosmic-story-taurus-new-moon-solar-eclipse-may-2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Beloved~ So…..here we are…. Do you resonate with
what is written? For me, it feels like the past few months, since Dec 12
actually, have been all about this….lots of reexamining, lots of emotions coming
up for rebalancing in The Light. Old paths and connections are
completing…….new people are in my life, new paths are opening AND I have
experienced the eruptions of the most painful emotions…… of seeing my core
wounds ( never mind that I thought I had handled all that already J) and the principal pattern/role/defense
system that I have carried through this life and many other lifetimes…….seeing
the patterns, being with the pain, seeing me ……. in ways I have not
before…..all so that the unraveling and the completion and disconnect from the
old can happen…..and as each part of the old matrix is removed, I feel so much
Clearer, Lighter, Joyous, Spacious and Grateful. Grateful for these
tunnels and cocoons that allow me to shed my old skins……like the snake..

about me – a few weeks ago I was back in the mama bear protector role. I
am a mama bear. I love the role…..I lovingly share my heart with many
….supporting, loving, enfolding, uplifting, guiding…….and recently I was shown
that inside this role of mama bear protector was a deep shadow part of me
– especially the role of “Protector of the Children.”
Shadow? Oh, I thought this was The Light of Me. Nope…..it also carried a lot of my pain and it was time to acknowledge the pain, allow it to be felt so that the warmth and tenderness of me and of my own heart could now finally begin to melt what was frozen and blocked up ….and allow the energies to flow once again……. It doesn’t feel to go into the details of my story now. Suffice it to say that what I felt proud about, right about re my mama protector role …… I was shown a different story about it all……given the opportunity to see it differently, along with so much of my pain, my beliefs, my positions ( “I know what’s right and wrong, good and bad.…... ) All the ‘work’ I’d done on my self, and here I was face to face with undeniable truths that I had not seen before…..and oh such deep pain that I could barely be with, such that I was continually pulled back into the thinking mind, so I did not have to feel ….. Grace came by touching the pain, just enough, allowing it…… so that it could actually be released. We do NOT have to relive all the trauma…..just allowing some true feeling (not with the mind, with the body) will begin the unraveling.
to figure anything out – allow…..be….trust…..breathe…. As you are
being infused with the Higher Vibrations of your True Self, you are held and
you are carried into higher vibrations….. “Darkness cannot drive away
darkness, Only Light can do that.”
I shared in a recent Miri Message (see www.mirimessages.blogspot.com
April 13) – “This is spring – our old winter baggage and protective garments
are no longer needed…..you wont be able to go higher/into the new vibrations
that are here for you, carrying all that old, heavy stuff with you.”
You are being carried, you will be shown, Ease & Grace, Allow….. Be….
Trust….. Breathe….
and again, and over and over…. I Live in The I Don’t Know mind……
Resting and Abiding in The Mystery…… Letting myself be Carried, Be Shown……
your His Stories/histories dissolve.….. let your self be shown what is truly
yours …… allow your self to be carried, stay in your own lane and your own
light……we all have our own Light Source…. We do not ever need it from another,
stop pointing fingers at someone else. Do you realize that when you point
your finger at someone…… 3 fingers point back at you. What ever pisses
you off about someone……when you want to say: “They are_________!” Try
this – Say what you’re saying about them…..and then say – “Just like
me.” Feel the Ouch : -) and look to see if it is true…..
time is here now…… ask for the help you need…please ask. Everything is
coming in to support you in GodRealization.
I AM in Love with You
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