MESSAGE: Father Issues ~ The Unraveling Continues~
Grace is – touching the pain, feeling, without having to go into the trauma and story over and over again AND then this Grace delivers you a new canvas. And it is a blank canvas….at last you don’t have to live from your limitations, fears, traumas any more. ….. you are ready to live from your True Divine Self – free, joyous, unlimited!
Beloved~ How can I create and hold a space of tenderness, wisdom, vulnerability
and healing for you, if I haven’t gone in to the depths and my ‘stuff’my
self…..with honesty, allowing, willingness, and feeling the
emotions that are coming up as best I can. And so yesterday I was taken
deep down into the shadows of my issues around control and the pain of
having a dad who was of the generation of “I’m the dad so just do what I say.”
…… of feeling invisible, not being truly heard, not feeling cared about or
seen for who I was, not understanding what I was needing, not being allowed to
take the time I needed for something…………fill in your blanks here. .
((Please read on – this all does end with a very precious and wonderful gift!!
And this is not about feeling sorry for me…..if you feel tender…..please feel
tender towards your self if this is touching something in you))
yesterday I realized that a friend was pushing my control buttons…..I felt
somehow like I was being pushed to do something I wasn’t sure I wanted to
do…… And the Knowing was that this wasn’t about what was going on in the
present moment with her. There was something deep and ancient in me
…….about feeling controlled and powerless, maybe helpless too…..being
manipulated into doing something. Ah, the victim…… but this is not the
time for intellectual overlays. This was a time to simply be present to
exactly what I was feeling.
happened to be on the phone with a dear friend who was able to listen and I
felt safe with her to go deeper…… I asked out loud – what is this
controlling stuff really about and the next words that came out of my mouth
were – oh, this is about my dad and his controlling, sometimes angry and
insensitive ways. My dad - I remembered our last conversation before he
left this world….. I was 15 and he was getting ready to drive back to
work and he said – ‘Oh, you’re off next week – you’ll come into the store and
help me out. And I replied No…… And we argued back and forth…..him
trying to control and enforce, me resisting and rebelling. He left saying
something like we’ll see about that. Our last words….. He died in a
car accident that night.
done my share of therapy, EFT and healing inner child work, as I was
sharing and processing with my friend yesterday…… I was drawn to connect with
the little girl in me. There are many aspects of ourselves we each
hold. This one was the age of a toddler. And I saw/felt
how she was so sad, overwhelmed and distraught with my dad’s manner of parenting.
And I
saw how this ‘control issue’ has so deeply colored my life. “Please see
me. Stop trying to just control me. You don’t see me. I am
invisible to you. Stop telling me what to do. Stop
being so angry.” Seeing and connecting with the feelings and the deep
struggles and pain around ‘being controlled and not being seen’… Deep sobs
arose as I cried out AS that little girl – “see me, why don’t you see me, why
cant you see me, …. “ I allowed the pain I had buried to simply
come up, move through me, up and out. And within maybe 5 minutes the
crying and shouting was completed…..
I felt
the quiet inside of my self……I felt lighter and more expanded. I know I
had not just taken the lid off for a bit. This was not a bandaid….I knew
I had released some deep big stuck ‘trauma’ and allowed energy and light and
love to flow once more.
Grace is – allowing and touching the
pain, feeling, just touching the hem of the garment…….without having to go into
the trauma and story over and over again …..and allowing Grace to unravel the
threads and do most of the healing~
self preservation, the walls go up and my walls were constructed of I won’t let
you in….because it’s too painful to let you in. I could sense the swords
pointing out from my abdomen and belly areas. And in keeping the pain and
the controlling person out, I saw how I also kept the love out,….. and all the
energies of life could not flow through me, as they were designed to. And
I also became ‘the controller” of my life, of others……. And that’s
another ‘story’.
We all
have our coping mechanisms that ultimately limit us and we end up with
unsatisfying patterns in friendships, work and partnerships…. We
yearn for more, for something different……to feel connection and connected and
we are so closed up…. These structures have served us to now. And
we are being given the Gracefilled opportunity to release and allow ourselves
to be transformed.
Grace is – touching the pain, feeling, without having to go into the trauma and story over and over again AND then this Grace delivers you a new canvas. And it is a blank canvas….finally you don’t have to live from your limitations, fears, traumas any more. ….. you are ready to live from your True Divine Self – free, joyous, unlimited!
More of
my walls and structures were collapsing yesterday. The swords were
dissolving. The unraveling of this core issue around control continued
today…..and I know and trust in my Being that I am being completely gifted with
the opportunity to finish this, and to experience and embody Grace. Just
like you……. And I am so grateful for the ones who trigger me, who bring
up my pain and confusion……unexpected, yet by Divine Appointment…….so that I can
allow, feel embrace my self and transmute.
I wish to walk undefended, open and honest and transparent in this world….allowing my Light and Love to shine as brightly as possible. I am so grateful for the opportunity to release what I have been holding through so many lifetimes. Just like you…….
wanted you to know a little bit more about me…… Our stories and
pain are so tender. My experiences and pain allow me to offer you
Compassionate Presence and Deep Listening…..so transforming…… I’m here
for you. Please come and see me…..you can come for a private session if
the Living Grace Workshop doesn’t feel right. You’re ready to be
done with holding this pain, I know. I will also help you connect with
the little girl/boy who has been living in fear and easily teach you how to
become the loving, totally present, listening and attending parent they
did not have….. Discover how listening, truly listening and seeing
your inner child is what is needed for healing to take place. Grace
would it be like to become undefended to the flow of life……
Live in
yes……thank you……. transparent…….Loving GraceI See You, and I AM in Love with You