Monday, July 15, 2013

July 14   Beloved~

Part 1 – Easy Ways to Help Prepare Your Self for the Waves      
Part 2 - We’re always in the waves. 
It doesn’t seem to be that these influxes of energies will be stopping any time soon.  You can strengthen your Divine Connection during the easier in between periods and this will help you when you feel like you are freefalling, as you are changing from the caterpillar to the butterfly, from the carbon based human to crystalline/Christ energies.  Everything is already here for us……   Shift your vibration; shift your attention. 

Here are some suggestions:
1- Do the things that bring you joy.  This will balance your energies and actually changes the chemistry in your body, from all the stress stuff to the feel good stuff.

2- Spend time in nature.  If you can’t get outside then just google nature images.  It works! 

3- Play with puppies, kittens, babies.   Notice how much better and lighter you feel.  It’s all vibration…..and this will change yours so easily! 

4- Do something different.  Break the chain, even if it is taking a different route to the store.  It’s just a habit, and it’s a neural pathway. Doing something different also puts you in a ‘different opportunities’ mindset.

5-Appreciate the good.  They say we are hardwired to remember the painful and sad.  We actually need to consciously stop and spend some time savoring the good.

6-It’s worth repeating – Be in Gratitude as much as you can whenever you can. Find things to be grateful for; they are everywhere.  This one practice will change your life in ways we call ‘miracles’.

7- Hang out with people who make you feel good.  “Re-examine what you have been told.  Dismiss what offends your soul.”  Walt Whitman.  Give your self permission to stop hanging out with people who don’t feel good to be around, who aren’t supportive, who actually bring you down.

8- Meditate

9-Cultivate listening to your body and what it wants.  Cultivate listening to your emotions – they are messengers. Emotions may not be Highest Truth…..but they definitely are truths and messengers for each of us.   Cultivate listening to you and following through with what you need. 

10-The ego/mind’s job is to categorize, to protect, to analyze incoming information….all based on its/your past experiences and your beliefs.  It puts things into categories of good and bad, safe or not etc based on its history.  Sounds limiting, doesn’t it. 

Some describe the ego as a verb – it is either grasping for something or rejecting and resisting.  Look – wow, it’s true.  Higher Mind is open, curious, allowing. 

Open to Divine Mind. Simply ask to open……

11- Ask for assistance.  If you believe in angels, ask them for help with whatever you would like. Explore your resistance to receiving and play with receiving instead of always being in the safe seat of giving.  Receiving is more vulnerable….and you don’t have ‘the controls’  …..  Trust me, I know this one so well……
12- Smile – it sets off a set of chemical reactions in the body that are the feel good chemicals.   Try it…..see if you don’t feel different.

13- I love the Access Consciousness questions – “What Else is Possible?  How Does It Get Even Better Than This?”  And I love ruffling my ego’s feathers when things are going very well, and !I ask the question  ‘How does it get even better than this’…..   Who do I think I AM to want even more and even better! 

14- Do a visualization or meditation practice that connects you with Source Energies, Your I AM or Higher Self.  Pause, breathe and rest in Presence/Awareness when things are easy and going well…..just 5 seconds : -).  I’ll happily email you my version of the I AM meditation.

15- Practice and cultivate BREATHING DEEPLY.  Stop periodically and take a few deep conscious breaths. Pause. All these will help you when things get sticky.

16 – Say yes instead of no!  Leap into something different and anticipate fun!

17- “I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears, or what they think.”  Rumi 

 “You are here for only one reason – to be your self.  Everyone else is taken”

18 - Share. Don’t compare.  You are a unique aspect of The Divine.  You are here to experience life in your own unique way and to share in your own perfect and unique way. No one else is here for the same reasons you are here – no one. Does the lily compare itself to the dragonfly or look to see how to grow by copying it?  

19 – Be Authentic, speak your truth and LET GO OF YOUR ATTACHMENT TO AN OUTCOME.

20- Cultivate tenderness and kindness towards your self.  This has been a most important and life/vibration changing master key for me. You’re doing the very best you can, always. 

21- Don’t believe your thoughts.  Another postit on my computer says:  “Really?”  Question your stories and limitations….  One of my favorites!  

22- You get to fill in this one.  I’m sure I’ve forgotten some and I would love to hear what you do that helps you that we can add to this list!!  Just email me at 
2- Miri Message:  WE’RE ALWAYS IN THE WAVES.    We are electromagnetic energy here in this form.  Electromagnetic and subject to all the electrical and magnetic energies around us.  We are always in the waves.  Sometimes the ocean is still and calm, sometimes gentle and sometimes the waves are huge and just knock us over… and we find ourselves free falling.  And we are also so much more than these electromagnetic energies……. And sometimes it is so challenging for the body, mind, emotional systems that we are. 

I always write to you in the hopes that what I share helps you see that you are not alone in your experiences, or broken..... allows you to open your heart more and more to you…..and see that transformation is possible, available and IS happening. This is a follow up to the miri message I sent last week…..where I wrote about feeling like I was being turned inside out.  Have a look if you’ve missed it. It’s posted just below this message.

It’s a week later and here’s what I see now about when the big waves come and I have that deeply unsettled feeling aka fear……when I feel like I have nothing to hold on to, no reference points, feel disconnected and fearful of the unknown and like I’m uncomfortably free falling (does free falling have to be uncomfortable – I guess so until it’s not)…...   It is only now that I remember the words of my teacher Adyashanti - the human is designed to pull away from, avoid, to contract from the unpleasant, disturbing, frightening uncomfortable sensations/experiences and to move towards and want to hold on to and repeat pleasant sensations/experiences.  SIMPLE – IT’S THE DESIGN. So next time…..can I remember to not be so frustrated with my self, to give more space to this natural response instead of having my usual internal dialogue about it, that includes the usual judgments and expectations for how I should be handling MY self through this onslaught of discomfort. Where did this expectation come from?  Really…..can you ever be totally prepared for when the waves come and knock you over?  Remembering……go with it….stop fighting the energies. ((A dear friend tells me that while I felt like I was being gently reassembled this past week…..she was still in the depths of the turmoil.  My compassionate loving kindness to you whatever place you’re in…..))   

It is only now that I truly understand the experience of the words – darkest before the dawn…..Darkest before the New Day, before the new energies take hold. This week has given me spaciousness and opportunity to deeply allow and more tenderly be with what is unfolding after last week’s crash and burn….. as I experience the phoenix rising.  What’s in me is a greater clarity and a determination to live as me – fully and freely.  Maybe that’s it – that simply – be me, and accept me fully and freely.  Allow and accept when I crash and burn, when I contract, when I’m in fear and accept and allow when I joyously soar. I AM all of this ….   I AM Consciousness/Awareness/The Divine and that’s only exactly what The Divine does with this human experience – allows it all, enjoys it all – because it is simply having experiences.  The Divine is here to experience it self in every way.  And while yes, we are The Divine......our design is to see and experience ourselves as the separate human self expanding and contracting.  

So it was a great week for me….I’m playing with the pot of gold after the rainbow of experiences.  I have greater clarity and perspectives, greater wisdom and my heart is opening ever wider to me and to every one : -) especially those who have triggered me.  More spaciousness, noticing and allowing without the commentary and judgment …. more present without the mind chatter …. More trust, more gratitude for everything and everyone- even the triggers…..and allowing the contraction when I think of the triggers! Oh, I love this deepening of allowing.  

I realize now that I was attached to a particular outcome after my honest conversation last week.  I did speak my truth; I was heard, and now there is seeing that I’m attached to things unfolding a particular way – I’m expecting my beliefs to be embraced as right and for my advice to be followed.  I don’t like seeing that.  I see my attachment.  And I’m just breathing and seeing and allowing……   

I have a postits on my computer  - one says Naming it is Key.  Being willing to say something out loud to a loving witness is often they key to our unraveling and dissolving that which has been held so tightly.  So thank you for being my witness.  I do see and acknowledge my attachments.  Yes, naming and acknowledging what is honestly true in the moment are key. 

And now….my knowing knows that by simply naming it, acknowledging it and allowing Grace to take care of it……Grace does most of the work to take me over the mountain where I will get to see how much of the attachment I have released.   It’s honestly already happening!!!  Our healing is multidimensional.  No need to ‘work it’.  Just honestly noticing, acknowledging, allowing what is to be there…….accepting and breathing and then go do something that feels fulfilling and joyous – like my writing these miri messages!  Thank you for being in my world.  I am here to support you during these shifts and changes. Please contact me to set up your session. I offer you Compassionate Presence, Intuitive Guidance and Energy Therapies including Reiki, Access Consciousness, EFT  to support your moving through and beyond your pains, struggles and stories, into the Light and Grace of your True Self.

Details coming for “LIVING GRACE and Every Day Miracles” Workshop  Sunday
July 28.     

I See You and I Love You….all of you.

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