Friday, September 27, 2013

9/27  Intense Equinox Energies Subsiding
Beloved~    As always, I share these words with you in the hopes that you find support and encouragement and realize that you are not alone when it feels like you may have lost your wayI’ve lost sense of time…..was it this crazy before the Fall Equinox?  Did it get even more intense for you around the Equinox and this whole week?  I feel like it has now begun to settle back down.  I remember writing last year that this would be the year of emotion clearing and healing.  Well……no mistakes about this.  Whatever energies just opened for us….seems they found and we got snagged on any and all rough edges, sometimes the ones you thought you had already finished with.  Surprise, surprise.   Or not : -).  Seems we are done when we are done and that we have absolutely no say in what will show up for exploration and release. You mean we are releasing control too!  

I AM Purity – and if this is Truth…..then all these uncomfortable feelings and thoughts are a product of my choosing a human experience.  They are not the truth of who I AM…..why continue to believe them…….believe what they appear to say about me……and sometimes I still get hijacked by them.. 

I found my self talking to my self about feelings this week.  I was in Charlotte NC with my family, looking for a new home, looking to make some spiritual/business connections.  Fear, excitement, doubt and more…...  Excitement is easy to allow and embrace.  Fear and worry….my self talk at times was:  “Yes, I can feel this. Yes, I can allow this to be as it is as best I can…. or notice when I’m hijacked.”   

Allow, Notice.    I don’t want to talk my self out of how I’m feeling. I don’t want to compare or explain ad nauseum.  I just want to allow … and I CAN feel these feelings of fear, anxiety, doubt, helplessness now.  Sometimes I can remember to move out of my head and the monkey mind thinking and notice the sensations and contractions in my body.   I see that I don’t collapse or always respond like I did before when I had similar experiences and feelings.  Yes…..I can allow my self to feel now…..  I can check in with my body, find the tightness and contractions and breathe and allow….Sensations and vibrations moving through and out.  

And I’m remembering to be tender with me…..tender with that part of me that is scared. I absolutely love being tender with my self.  

Allowing our selves to feel opens us to life in such a different way.  I’m not closed in, shut down, ‘protecting’ my self, cut off from the flow of life and energies.  I’m opening up more and more and I AM  receiving the fullness and multi textured richness of life as I discover that I can allow my feelings….. And now, I discover that I can watch them….. body tight and contracting or sensations  just moving through without the labels of good or bad, acceptable or not.  BREATHE, BREATHE,  BREATHE.  And sometimes I can watch (the observer) my mind making up all kinds of explanations about what is going on around me that actually caused the fear to begin. It’s a ‘beginning’ for me with this type of deeper watching.  You can do it too because we’re experiencing the same contracted limited human self that is cracking open to reveal our True Self.  Look how much you’ve changed these 6 months!!!  Really - YOU – Look how you have changed!   

And I can promise you that the energies that are coming in after this turbulence ARE TOTALLY AMAZING…..       We will have opportunities to realize what has been cleansed from us by GRACE.

Ex – My office is overflowing everywhere (I know, no comments and judgements please) with all the stuff I have to tend to, organize, let go of.  I realize that I have to clean out my files…..and I’ve done so many workshops…..I didn’t want to look at those files from years past and let go….. of that me…..who I was then….. that created them……I wanted to take everything with me when I move and start my new life in Charlotte NC.  I ‘need’ this stuff from my past : -) 

Grace & Miracle – I just felt the realization last eve that I AM ready to go through my files lovingly and release what I have done & completed…..  Just like that the knowing came.  I know that I am now being prepared for, not the next chapter of my life – I’m starting a new book.  JUST LIKE YOU!   A NEW LIFE   I don’t need to bring the past with me.  I will absolutely have everything I need to create new and wonderful messages, workshops, classes in Charlotte and beyond. You too will have everything you need to create your new life.   I FEEL the readiness and excitement. Do you?  I didn’t want to think about clearing out my office before.  This evening I had the thought – I’m ready to go through the papers in the office.  WOW – so again… for the gifts coming now after these turbulent equinox energies …..GRACE……simply because YOU ARE SO LOVED.  We are all leaving our past behind.  OPEN to receiving all the energies and supports for you to create your life/heart’s dreams.   

It is our time now…..truly – to live our hearts’ knowing and dreams….. We will live them into this reality.  It’s what you came here for.  Stop playing small…..dare and leap for that is your truer nature – YOU ARE CREATORS.  Discover that you can have your hearts’ dreams.  Discover a world that you secretly ‘hoped’ would be there for you…….  YOU ARE SO LOVED.  Thank you…..thank you for being here, for staying the course…..SHINE BRIGHTLY NOW.  YOUR TWINKLES ARE UNIQUE AND MAGNIFICENT AND WE NEED THEM.  Please keep twinkling!  Come and see me for some support before I leave for N Carolina end of October.  Soul Infusion and Divine Alignment, Reiki, Spiritual Coaching will help you so much more easily shift your perspectives and release and balance your energies so that you too can live Magic, Miracles & Grace with Ease ~
I AM in Love with YOU


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