Sunday, September 8, 2013

I was sitting on the floor in my office this morning and I glanced over……at this printed page from a Miri Message that ‘happened’ to be on the floor next to me.  It felt right to share it with you again.  Written 1 ¾ years ago…..and the message is still so appropriate. 

The Jewish New Year begins tomorrow eve.  May we live Namaste’~  The Divine in Me sees The Divine in You, as You.  “I Am God is not blasphemy.  It is your identity.”  Wayne Dyer.
I AM in Love with You

12/1/2012  Beloved~
I was reading a message from Beyond Awakenings….and  reading the lineup of the teachers/leaders/gurus that would be speaking and I had this thought– please let’s be done with that.  

By that, I mean what we’ve all be doing - looking to find just the right teacher with just the right message that allows us to release all the misunderstandings and pain we’ve been holding onto.  I listen to them too….and they do help me remember and also some of these teachers, like Panache Desai, carry such a beautiful high heart vibration that by simply listening, your vibration and consciousness is changed and raised.  And then we turn a corner and it seems that our old life in the here and now comes back….though not in the same old way!  Again please honestly look and see how much you have changed! 
I digress…….because what I want to share is that the very best medicine is to discover that within you, Love is and has always been.  Actually, the medicine we’re searching for isn’t the most correct method or the latest teaching or the love and acceptance from another….  the Love and Acceptance of your self by your Self.   

Go within……honor what is there.  No one knows your truth, your reasons for all the experiences you’ve had……. as you do.  You do have the keys and the solutions to unlock the doors you have fastened shut and purposefully denied yourself access to….until just the right Divine Holy Moment which, if you’re reading this……is Now, My Beloved.    

It is time now…..for you to stay in Your Divine Lane ….ReDiscover, ReClaim and BE YOU. Fall in Love with You.  Remembering that we are all holy manifestations playing here ….  No matter who and what we appear as….still pushing each others buttons…. triggering each other to remembering that we are not our reactive responses…….we ARE HOME, THE LIGHT DIVINE. 

Nothing is what is seems to be, nothing is as your human mind would understand it.  That which is irritating you (a little or a lot!)  is helping you to break apart and burst open…. to reveal Golden Light such as you have not experienced until now…….   That which is still irritating you, is like the pearl in the oyster…..all that irritation….. it is to gift you with the pearl of Magic, Miracles and such Grace.  

So please be patient with your human self and its limitations, its irritations, its tendency to self blame and judge….to resist and whatever else it does.  It is NOT about you Beloved.  Does the magnificent beautiful pearl forming in the oyster have any idea what all that irritation is really about, what it is about to become (just like the caterpillar transforming into the butterfly).  Again remember please that your human mind is limited (by design) and therefore it is not able to see the bigger picture that is unfolding.
Each time I am about to birth yet another pearl…..each time I find my self in this closed dark shell, experiencing all these thoughts, feelings and irritations, urrgggh……   I see that I just can’t not be irritated.  Of course – and I’m smiling now as I type these words.  While truly it has gotten easier and faster - this time that we need to spend in the dark and fertile tomb….. the tomb that is actually a womb……the tomb becomes the womb where I give birth to an ever greater expanded creative life – 
Irritation is a holy facet of this human experience – Irritation is what brings forth the pearl in the oyster’s shell. It is the searing fire that destroys …so that the phoenix may rise from the ashes.  So it’s ok, it’s perfect…..please stop judging your self…..can you open your arms just a little bit and embrace your self…..and maybe a little more, for your self…… 

After my return from my wonderful family Thanksgiving gathering on the beach in warm sunny Ft Lauderdale, I surprisingly found my self crying ….crying from a very deep place and I just allowed the sobs to come up and release ….. I love the feelings of release and expansion that always follows these deep sobs.  I know these profound releases that come in the form of deep sobbing are cracking open the oyster’s shell…..   

Nothing is as it appears.  Nothing happens the way my personality would expect.   We are all experiencing ourselves now as even more sensitive, more aware, more centered, more peaceful, more joy, more allowing…… and more of our 'stuff’ is still coming up ….yes, we’re learning to live and allow all of it – …….. perfect and a little crazy making you might say!   

All those around us ….. every one we are worried about, pissed at, irritated with……each one is here to serve us in the grandest ways…..bringing us the greatest gifts.   

Breathe deeply……allow as best you can…….do what you need to do to care for you……be tender with you……watch how you talk to you…….. as we move more deeply into the energies of 12-12-12 and the solstice…..we are being bathed and rewired for delivery into The Promised Land.  It’s all about you Beloved…… You are The Divine LoveLight you have been waiting for.  It’s in you…….. and it is everyone around you….now.  Holy  Blessed  BEing ~ 
Loving You

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