What the Lilies
Taught Me
3 Life Lessons From Nature
Lessons 3, 2 and 1 are below, in this upside down order.
Lesson #3 is about our
FEELINGS... about letting them be as they are, including the feelings of
Are you human? Of
course! Well then - You FEEL!
It is in our Design to FEEL.
As I sat looking at the lilies, what came this time was about paying attention and acknowledging that we often feel sad when something ends… when a cycle completes… and that we usually don't know how to allow ourselves the time to feel and acknowledge these natural sad feelings.
I also saw that even as we complete something or something ends or dies... sometimes we are BOTH sad to let go AND are looking forward to something or someone new. BOTH ~ AND For me when my marriage ended after 29 years… and that was fine... there was also an unexpected sadness for something that was completing.
When I moved here from
we have a BOTH ~ AND
And sometimes there is JUST sadness.
Remember – everything is Holy Perfection unfolding…. Whatever you are feeling is holy and right. Can you ALLOW and validate your feelings?
Our bodies are about 80% water. Water represents emotions. Our nature is filled with all the shades and colors of feelings.
Did you grow up with a manu al or with
parents and teachers who taught you that feeling is a natural part of
being human... that all feelings are okay?
And sometimes there is JUST sadness.
Remember – everything is Holy Perfection unfolding…. Whatever you are feeling is holy and right. Can you ALLOW and validate your feelings?
Our bodies are about 80% water. Water represents emotions. Our nature is filled with all the shades and colors of feelings.
Did you grow up with a m

Can you appreciate your tenderhearted sensitivity instead of shaming
your self and beating your self up for this? Perhaps your parents didn’t
know how to help you with your tender sensitive heart… how to support you to be
present with your different feelings...
There is much on Forgiving others... What is missing is teaching us how to
forgive ourselves... so we can stop holding ourselves hostage... discover how to open our hearts... to ourselves. So important!!
It is not another’s acceptance that will ‘heal and transform you and
your life.' It is your own acknowledgment and acceptance of your
feelings and validation of the beauty and sensitivity of your own
heart... that will set you free… to be your unique, magical, amazing self!
It is never too late to open to new perspectives and wisdoms… so we can heal and claim our birthright of JOY, UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE FOR OUR SELVES and INNER PEACE~
It is never too late to open to new perspectives and wisdoms… so we can heal and claim our birthright of JOY, UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE FOR OUR SELVES and INNER PEACE~
Learning how to give your self
The Permission to feel what you are feeling.
Do you
need support with your Feelings, with Forgiving someone or Forgiving your self?
Would you like to stop rejecting and hating parts of your self... and discover how to open your heart… to you.
Would you like to stop rejecting and hating parts of your self... and discover how to open your heart… to you.
Would you like new perspectives? I can
help you with this. Please click here click here to schedule your FREE
Discovery Phone Session.
Trust. You are always and all
Divinely Guided, Protected and Held in Unconditional Love Always andAll Ways ...
no matter what
Divinely Guided, Protected and Held in Unconditional Love Always and
You know
have to feel good about your self
in order to manifest your
Highest Potentials and Dreams!
Please click here to schedule your
FREE Phone Consultation or your session.
Big HeartHugs,
Self Acceptance~Self Love Coach
Transformation Catalyst
Reiki & Medical Reiki Master
Self Acceptance~Self Love Coach
Transformation Catalyst
Reiki & Medical Reiki Master