After the Full Moon and Solstice Energies
Picking up the pieces and finding the gifts
have been writing Miri Messages for years, sharing my experiences, epiphanies
and heartful wisdoms with the hopes that you find support and encouragement.
These energies were superb at
bringing up and illuminating old patterns that had been hiding, offering us
powerful opportunities for transformation.
Well, maybe some of these old
patterns are not so hidden, because we live with them every day. You just
accept them as ‘you’ without thinking you have a choice… even though these
patterns exhaust you, cause stress, anger, frustration, fear… and don’t support
you living your best, healthiest, most joyful life.
The part of me that didn’t
trust in a positive outcome was running the show, thinking that “I have to do
almost everything by myself and work very, very, very, hard to have something
good happen…
Familiar? Having to work hard... feeling like you're pretty much alone...
Based on what I could see with these eyes - which I called a mess - had me frustrated and ‘scared.’
‘How will this ever work out?!?’
‘What was I thinking when I started this!’
‘Can I go back? No, just keep working! Harder! More!’
The Alchemical Fires of Transformation -
My pattern that was burning up in these energies was about TRUST,
that was being burned out of me…
There I was in the midst of chaos… looked like a mess... felt like
a mess… I definitely ‘wasn’t trusting’ that this would all work out and
that I would be happy at the end –
–Transitions and Transformations~
It makes sense that a
part of me, based on my past experiences did not know how to ‘trust’ that life
would provide for me and that this mess would work out well.
So many of us have very good reasons not to trust… that we will be taken care
of, be seen, be rewarded. There were many times when we wished for
something, and didn’t get it. So why would that part of us, that had
experienced disappointment over and over… why should that part trust or have
faith… Hence I was feeling stressed, afraid, frustrated… helpless.
I was not bad or wrong. It wasn’t a punishment… I believe these old
patterns were coming up in order to release… to burn themselves self out.
Not trusting is also part of the human matrix here. I bet you have some
of this too.
AND this part that is not able to trust… is not all of me. She is just
one part of my personality here…
We all have our patterns of reactivity… how we automatically respond and react to what life presents to us. And this limits us in so many ways.
We are getting triggered because these patterns are being illuminated and burned out of us by The Light and Loving FIRE of our Soul.
Remember - you are not bad or
wrong. You did not make a mistake. You are not being punished.
As I struggled with my website, I now see that I didn’t trust in the process… to bring me to the outcome I desired and hoped for.
I didn’t trust that Spirit had
my back. That this was all happening for good reason and that a Good and
Perfect outcome was assured…
Familiar? What we see with our human eyes and from our human perspective is so limited.
I had told myself that I was done working in my Type A personality
mode. HAH!!
Not true. I
was blind to a part of me that was still there, beneath the surface, in my
unconscious, reacting in old, toxic, ways… And the only way for it to
release out of my system was for it to show itself… and burn out.
And for me to realize… after it was all done… that NOW I HAVE A CHOICE. I do not need to respond to life this way. Please continue reading because I will be giving you some tips for how to break these automatic toxic reactions and move into greater peace.
In order to get to this new place of CHOICE… OF BEING ABLE TO CHOOSE TRUST, I HAD to experience this old familiar pattern holding me in its grip… so I could really see it and experience it... as I spent days and days copying and pasting my old website pages into wordpress. Hours and hours… trying to figure out how to ‘do it’ correctly… so it would format and stay in place. It didn’t cooperate hardly at all which gave me an opportunity to FORGET everything I knew about-
* Asking for help from others and from the Angels
* Trusting the process… and reminding my self that the universe is always working FOR ME.
* That a positive outcome was assured… inspite of how things appeared – which also meant allowing whatever is happening, to happen… knowing and allowing this to serve my highest good.
I did not think about any of these even once. I just kept laboring away at getting the tasks done... feeling frustrated and keeping my head down to the grindstone.
I'd take a break after a few hours and then I'd start again and keep at it. Crazy – I know... No Choice ~ NO TRUST
I was in that old reactive pattern called work hard and just keep going... and you have to figure this out by yourself...
Familiar? What old
reactive pattern of yours came up during the solstice energies?

Of course I now see that this
would have to come up so intensely… in order for me to burn through it.
The energies continue to illuminate the patterns, stories, beliefs and thoughts that no longer serve us… that are not appropriate for the life we are destined to live.
The old patterns are COMING UP
FOR RELEASING… making space for new. You don’t have to figure anything
out… Do your best to ALLOW and be gentle with yourself… I know, sometimes
that is really not so easy…
I’m on the other side of the
bridge AND I see from a different perspective now. I am feeling like a goodly portion of this
pattern of not trusting has burned up… The website is done, and it’s just fine
and I’m grateful for my friend how helped!
I feel like I will be able to MAKE A DIFFERENT CHOICE going forward…
from the place of knowing that I AM Supported, Guided, Loved and Held.
I TRUST. I smile and breathe in trust. I
let go. I surrender into the flow of life, that is always happening… I say to
my self –
~This is FOR me. This too is For Me.
~ If you become frustrated or
scared, you can remember to PAUSE, BREATHE, SLOW DOWN and repeat till you are
feeling calmer.
~ Meditate even if for just a few minutes.
~ Take a break and get out in nature OR look at nature pictures on the web. Pause and play with your puppy or kitten. This will totally change your vibration!
We no longer have to assume and
reinforce the pattern and the
limited false thinking - that what I currently see - the mess, disorder and
chaos – ‘this’ will never work out for me.
It will always work out for me and for you –
because Life is ALWAYS working out FOR us... The Universe is continuously
serving us opportunities to burn through the old in order to reposition us to
receive the stuff of Magic and Miracles… our birthright… so that Our Highest
Good and Highest Potential can be actualized.
I want to trust. It is our nature to be in TRUST… to live and create our lives from the place of embodied knowing and Allowing– that everything IS working out for me and for you, and for our highest good, always. Allowing~
I do believe that this uncomfortable experience I had, was to allow the toxic pattern to come up and clear out of my system… just like your old toxic patterns are being cleared out.
What came up
for you during the past two weeks? Notice. Allow. Please stop
beating yourself up about it. It needed to come up to release… to process out of your body... so you can be FREE to choose again, choose
differently. That's why it had come up - to leave!!
I invite you to look back and see what you have been through – and give thanks. Applaud and appreciate your self. Notice what is different for you now...
Feeling stuck? I would
love to support you as you go through your own fires… I believe in you.
You don't have to do this alone.
Miri Klements
Self Acceptance ~ Self Love Coach
Master of Transformation
Medical Reiki Master ~ Reiki Master Teacher
Miri Klements
Self Acceptance ~ Self Love Coach
Master of Transformation
Medical Reiki Master ~ Reiki Master Teacher
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