Friday, December 23, 2016

9 Days Till  1-1

I promised to share something simple,
powerful and inspiring each day  
as we countdown, finish up and prepare for 1/1.

Today I made you a Guided Meditation for
Inner Peace, the Grace of Unconditional Love and Forgiveness

Roses are an ancient symbol.

Allow me to guide you into The Rose.
please click on this link for the guided meditation:


  10 Days till 1/1 
These days have me up and down.  Yesterday I was feeling strong and good. Today, I'm feeling off and needing to rest... It is exhausting releasing the old and integrating the new energies.  

If you are sensitive, you are definitely feeling the big waves of energies that are bathing the planet, continuing to bring up what we have buried and denied...

We are releasing our old patterns and beliefs, stuck emotions, our limitations, our masks, our fears.... all the ways we have lived in bondage and untruths.  As they release, we make space for our Soul, our Divinity to come in. 

"Remind yourself that you cannot fail at Being Your Self."

I See You ~ I AM In Love With You 


11 days till 1/1 - Finding My Voice 
I promised to share something simple, powerful and inspiring ... 
as we countdown, finish up and prepare for 1/1.

I've been blogging, maybe even before I knew the word blog.  I call them
 Miri Messages and today I wanted to share my very first Miri Message with you.
 It's from 2006 and it's still so relevant. 

It's about the difficulty we ALL have speaking our truths - asking for what we need, what we want, sharing our true self and being vulnerable.  

I was a total mess in this department.  It was so hard to ask for what I really wanted. I could take care of others really well.  I was their champion, protector and advocate - but I couldn't speak up for me the same way.  

I was a master people pleaser, careful not to say the wrong thing... Maybe you'll find a part of your self here too... the part that was/is afraid to be really honest, really vulnerable... and ask and speak up for your self.... because you matter.

Maybe you're saying - that's not me.  
BS - we all have some part of our lives where we do not have our voices. Being honest with your self about your self and what you see, this is the very first critical step to healing and changing.  And it's scary... and it takes practice. 

My soul was very ready to heal this human imbalance. So it brought me everything I needed to do that and succeed.

Whatever you're struggling with - you already have within you everything you need to heal and move beyond your struggles, pain, limitations. You came equipped,  and there is a part of you that knows how to take you from victim to victory. I promise!

Do NOT Settle in your life anymore.  It's time to Stop Settling and Stop BS-ing your self that it's okay and that you're okay with it.   

Okay, deep breaths... I get a little passionate when I see people believe that things can't change... 

Miri Message  July 26, 2006  It has been several months since my website went live.  Several months this section has been waiting for the words to be placed here… because I have been waiting for ‘the perfect’ message to arrive.  The other day I was out cutting the grass, on the riding mower,  which has come to be a favorite activity of mine.  I sing, I laugh, and sometimes the space opens for wisdom to make herself known as I ‘dance’ along on the riding mower. 

 The message that came to me the other day was that I’m practicing and waiting for the perfectly worded message to write here – so I can present myself to all of you – in some preconceived perfect way. 
What a joke – this is no dress rehearsal – life is passing me by.

I laughed at myself; do you know what a joy it is to be in my body and be able to laugh at myself – because I spent so much time being so serious about myself and when I discovered a mis-take - I’d be so hard on myself.  So, now I can laugh much more often and finally get down to writing and sharing with you.  

Perfection is a funny thing.  When you're a perfectionist - nothing is ever good enough and you never get the satisfaction of achieving perfection... of getting there.

So here we go. I hope you’ll come and visit Miri Messages again where you'll meet me in my sweet, joyous, profound nakedness.
Finding My Voice
 I participated in a wonderful Talking Circle at Unity over the past 6 months where each of us was able to slip into that place of vulnerability and intimacy because a sacred reverent space of non-judgment was held by everyone.
 I received many gifts from this Circle and one of the most profound was actually around the activity of lighting a candle.  
 At one of our meetings, I noticed that the candle that is usually lit when sacred activity goes on here wasn’t lit.  I tried ignoring the nagging feeling that it was important to light this candle for us.  

Stammering my way into a request – I managed to get out some jumbled mixture of words to the facilitator and the group about would it be all right, would anyone mind if we lit the candle.   Someone picked up on my difficulty in making such a simple request and asked why I couldn’t just ask to light the candle or just get up and light it myself? 

Well….  I could only gently observe how I was not able to.

The circle meets again, and the candle is again waiting for me.  I take a deep breath.  Breathing is sooo very important – notice how often you hold your breath, or are barely breathing, especially when we are in painful, uncomfortable places.

I look at the candle, take a deep breath and ask in a very simple and coherent manner – “Would anyone mind if I light the candle.  I’d like to light it.”  I’m smiling inside myself because there is no fumbling for the ‘right’ words…and of course, no one objects – so I light the candle.
Our circle is meeting for its final time.   The candle is again waiting for me.  This time I ingest the sweet air and allow it to fill my body. 

Smiling, and without a word, I lift myself out of my chair and go over to the candle to light it.  Everyone watches as I return to my seat. 
Tears of deep gratitude and joy are spilling over onto my cheeks as I look around at the smiling faces in this Circle of Love.

So humbling to be in the presence of Grace and Transformation – to hold so gently and tenderly the awareness of how difficult it is for me to ask for what I want or need. 

And to be grateful for the shift that I have been graced to experience, to light the candle at last without effort…
Because I was able to be truly present to all the different parts of myself as they bubbled up and made themselves visible to me... 

I See You ~ I AM In Love With You


12 Days till 1/1 - My Gift to YOU! 

I am pushing myself outside of my comfort zone... once again.   I know you do that too... It's a good thing.  

I'm going to email you something simple, powerful and nurturing for the next 12 days.  

I love writing messages.  I do not like pressing send.
The little gremlins in my head have won more times than I care to admit -  

“Oh no they say.  What will others think of this.”  I have a part of me that 'anticipates rejection... needs your approval.'   She does.  

Sometimes I have to trick myself and tell my self I’m simply sending these messages to a group of angels…
I love angels.

We all have different parts to our personality.  I've discovered that by turning towards them with more  acknowledgement and acceptance instead of rejection and denial, by giving them more kindness and compassion - which is all they ever really wanted - they are integrated back into my heart... wholeness.    

I have found this allows me to live less and less in reactive old patterns... More and more I AM able to live and create my life by conscious choice.  

Love is the Creative Force of the Universe. 
Everything is made of Love... including You. 



A Miri Message 
Namaste' and Big HeartHugs

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