Sunday, December 25, 2016

Clearing, Cleansing as we countdown to 1/1 - 7 days

There is a Light that shines beyond all things on earth, 
Beyond us all, beyond the heavens,
Beyond the highest, the very highest heaven.

This is the Light that shines... in our Heart.
Chandogya Upanishad

They say we teach what we are learning.  It is a big thing for me to get it
in my bones, 
in my body... to get it as more than words...
to shift into living a life that is different
from my human  programming and limiting beliefs...
that would allow me to realize and live the words above
or the words I shared yesterday (in the message below this)-

And here's what I've also found to be true in my life.
  It's not like I will ultimately go around
with a literal understanding of this in me.

That's not how it happens.
 Instead, what happens is that one day
I just realize that I Am in a different place
that I  'understand' what this means -
not from my ego or from arrogance.

I just get it. I've changed.  How I'm showing up has changed. I grok it.

The Mystery 

Thank you for the opportunity to share yesterday's message with you.
I practiced saying it out loud - I AM Blessed. I AM the Blessing.
I acknowledged the many blessings in my life, and I cried.
It's how the heart opens... little by little.

We're funny like that.
"It's just easier to believe the bad things about ourselves."
Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. 

I find that it takes serious commitment to a practice
to break the tendency towards negativity...
All patterns can be changed.  You just have to practice... heartfully.

I continue to find and share the ancient wisdom teachings -
like this one... because somehow, some part of me
resonates deeply with them...

Some part of us knows and feels the words as Truths...
Perhaps a memory is stirred in us when we read them...
Allowing us to re-member what and who we truly are.   

There is a Light that shines beyond all things on earth, 
Beyond us all, beyond the heavens,
Beyond the highest, the very highest heavens.
This is the Light that shines... in our Heart.

Chandogya Upanishad

I See You ~ I AM In Love With You

Miri Klements
Self Acceptance and Sacred Transformation Coach
Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher ~ Medical Reiki
tm Master

December 24 
I promised to share something simple,
powerful and inspiring each day  

as we countdown, finish up and prepare for 1/1.  


May you know this truth.  May you know it as an embodied living understanding... that You Are Blessed.  

Each of us is birthed from The Divine/God/I AM.  We are born/created in the likeness and image, with all the qualities of our creator. Each one of us... born with all the Divine Attributes.
Holy, Holy... everything... only Holy

And... we are all here on purpose, born into this life with a path and a destiny that cannot be denied us.  Everything we need to live out our divine plan and fulfill our destiny is in our blueprint, is in place.  
We are never off of our path.  It's not possible.  

We Are Blessed.  Everything our Soul needs, not what our ego wants, comes.  We Are Blessed. We are Holy God Stuff.  No matter how things look in your life or feel - everything is FOR you in your life... bringing you our of your limitations, struggles and suffering...  bringing you into God Consciousness... and the realization of your True Identity.  

You are never alone and you come with a toolbox filled with everything we need to move out of the pain and struggles. 

You Are Blessed ~ You Are The Blessing

I know.  Probably you're like me, and this is a lovely sentence that lives in your mind.   Do you get it in your heart... yet?  It's okay.  It's good to notice and be honest about your self with your self.  Please read it again and this time say:

I AM BLESSED ~ I AM THE BLESSING.  Next time you look in the mirror, say it out loud to yourself.  Look into your eyes... notice what you feel and think.  Wow, when I say it this way, it makes me tear up. 
I am blessed. WE ARE BLESSED BECAUSE we are given everything and everyone we need to fulfill our destiny.  So take a few deep breaths...

I AM Blessed  ~  I AM The Blessing

Just in this very moment check in and look around - is everything ok? Notice if you jump to the past or worry about how things will work out in the future.  

Come back here... to this moment  IF you're not reliving your memories and allowing them to be the filter or creator for the present moment,  or worrying about what 'might' happen, well then - how is this moment?  We miss the richness and the blessings... Look for them.  They are there.  Ah, much better.  See - you are blessed! 

Look around. Look for them. Find them and say - I AM blessed! 

And You Are the Blessing.  I am the blessing  
Can you take that in?  It's hard for me.  Notice if it is hard to live this knowing in your heart and not your head.  Breathe it into your heart. Breathe it through your entire body....
the world,  the entire Universe celebrates you, honors and cherishes you - YOU ARE THE BLESSING... more than your mind can ever understand. Thank you~

You deserve special treats if you've read this far.  LOL!! I love this song.  It will warm your heart.  Happy holidays.  

And here is Karen Druckers song too - "I Am So Blessed" - 

I See You ~ I AM In Love With You

Miri Klements
Self Acceptance and Sacred Transformation Coach
Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher ~ Medical Reiki
tm Master

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