We are Divine Beings, choosing to have this human experience-
Holy Divine God Love In this Body.
Holy Divine God Love In this Body.
Our Soul has chosen this life, with its specific plan and purposes. We can never be off course. We are always on course. Mistakes are simply of the human mind.

This is the greatest Mystery – how the One can appear as many and separated from itself.
What if Life is simply an experience to be lived – all of it... because God has a plan - and I AM that plan... I AM God's Holy Precious Creation.
What if actually there are no goals to reach… What if the goals we set each New Year are mostly designed by the ego mind… not our Souls.
What if everything comes in Divine Flow and Divine Right Order and Time.
What if there is no such thing as ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ ... only what is unfolding in each moment - Holy God Love.
What if it’s all about the experiences we came here to have… our Divine Plan unfolding.
In this human experience we must develop an ego/personality. And the ego is designed to avoid, pull away from and protect itself from pain – physical and emotional.
And our egos surely have their preferences and wants. This IS The Design … and not a problem...
At some point we are Graced to truly realize that we are here to live ‘Both ~ And’,
and we begin to have more and more of a sense of ourselves... that is more than just our struggling ego self.
We begin to realize our Divinity, our Holy Divine Nature AND our choice for this human life and its experiences. BOTH ~ AND
We can be.., WE ARE BOTH ~ AND
And we begin to stop rejecting ourselves, judging and hating ourselves, needing to be different from how we are showing up...
I began to do my deepest healing work about 20 years ago. There was a lot of rejection (aka self hatred) of so many parts of myself, a lot of avoidance and inability to look honestly… and a lot of blind spots… because THIS WAS MY DIVINE PLAN… Just like Your Soul has Your Plan…. and it could not have been any different.
When it's time to 'wake up', it's like our Soul rings a bell, the switches get turned on and we journey into The Time of Re-membering... who we truly are.
While it is happening –it’s not so fun. Now, I call it Grace… this being called back, the journey back to my True Self.
For me this healing and reintegration brought me into a place of deeper acceptance, allowing, compassion and kindness towards my self... for my human pain, reactions, choices... deeper allowing of the parts of me that rejected, judged and felt like she would never get it right... never figure out how to be truly acceptable...
I smile as I type this. I didn’t’ know how much I was struggling. It was my ‘normal’.
It is your very own love for your ‘selves’ that will take you Home, back into your own Heart… the Love that birthed you… that you thought you were separate from… but in truth you never left. It is what we yearn for – that feeling of Oneness, with ourselves. Inner Reconciliation is what GP Walsh calls it.
Two very important things were key for me. I had a lot of pain in my childhood. I had to do a lot of healing the wounds of my inner child…. the sweet innocent part of me that had been abandoned.
I had to give her all the loving and the attention and the listening to that she had needed and never received. I became the unconditionally loving parent she never had.
The Second Key would BE THE KEY that actually allowed me to Love her so deeply and completely, instead of continuing to judge and reject her.
The key was spending time connecting with that part of me that was already in love with her - My Divinity, My Soul, Higher Self, I AM
You see, our Divinity created the human… allowed for the creation of the personality and is in love with and fascinated by all its parts and pieces. I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU is the whisper we never hear as humans… that we all long for… this total and complete love, adoration, cherishing and acceptance that our Spirit already has for us...
I see that I have a lot to share with you…
Please allow me to continue tomorrow…
Meanwhile, here is one my favorite healing songs.For me it’s the Love Song from my soul, singing to that part of me that felt scared, alone and uncertain...
I See You ~ I AM In Love With You

Miri Klements
Self Acceptance and Sacred Transformation Coach
Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher ~ Medical Reikitm Master
as we complete 2016 and prepare for 1/1.
Peace -
It does not
mean to be in a place
Where there
is no noise, trouble or hard work.
It means
to be in a the midst of those things and still
Be Calm
In Your Heart.
This is the sacred journey
Join me in Sacred
Transformation back into the Heart of Peace and Love
I'm telling myself a BS story and then I wrote about yesterday... Then we're both believing what i'm writing. We get so used to describing ourselves and our lives a particular way - this is me, this is what i'm like, this is what my life is like... Too often we don't like to share our progress and amazing changes. So we hide our Light and pretend and play small.
Enough. Done with the BS. As we begin to shift, change and shine more brightly - please acknowledge yourself and your progress.
We will discover - WOW! WE ARE TRULY AMAZING!!
So let me say it all differently from how I said it yesterday - I AM blessed. And I'm paying more and more attention to the many blessings in my life. I'm getting to live in that vibration of joy and blessings and 'sacred expectation.' Sometimes it's the trees outside my living room window, my orchid plant that reminds me I have no control over when things bloom, the grandchildren that lift my spirits and fill my heart to overflowing, it's all my children - including my daughter inlaw and son inlaw who are soooo very good and caring with me. I hear so many stories about inlaws. I am sooooo blessed to have amazing children, amazing family... I could go on. Look for the blessings as often as you can and say - I AM SO BLESSED!
Enough. Done with the BS. As we begin to shift, change and shine more brightly - please acknowledge yourself and your progress.
We will discover - WOW! WE ARE TRULY AMAZING!!
So let me say it all differently from how I said it yesterday - I AM blessed. And I'm paying more and more attention to the many blessings in my life. I'm getting to live in that vibration of joy and blessings and 'sacred expectation.' Sometimes it's the trees outside my living room window, my orchid plant that reminds me I have no control over when things bloom, the grandchildren that lift my spirits and fill my heart to overflowing, it's all my children - including my daughter inlaw and son inlaw who are soooo very good and caring with me. I hear so many stories about inlaws. I am sooooo blessed to have amazing children, amazing family... I could go on. Look for the blessings as often as you can and say - I AM SO BLESSED!
And... it's hard to simply jump lanes and change your life. Change is a process and it takes courage, more courage and faith... AND I want you to pause right now and truly CELEBRATE YOUR SELF FOR HOW FAR YOU HAVE COME. It's great to have a witness - so please email me and tell me about your story. Maybe how you began inch by inch, crawling your way into a new lane. Tell your self and tell me HOW you are now and WHAT is different. LOOK at where you were, LOOK at where you are now.
Do a little dance of celebration, praise, and gratitude. How would you respond to a friend who had accomplished what you have accomplished?
Don't be stingy and dismissive with yourself.
Rick Hanson says one of the things we must do is SAVOR THE GOOD. Negative experiences, memories, feelings etc stick with us like velcro, not because we're bad... It is simply how the brain is wired.
Positive experiences, memories and feelings slide off of us like we're a teflon pan.
Look and see - Do you recall mostly positive things about your childhood, or more negatives? Remember it is how our brain is wired to hold memories... The negative sticks, the positive slips away.
So we must spend time and do some purposeful brain rewiring by celebrating and savoring the good. Feels silly at first... then you get to enjoy it!
Go ahead. You deserve it! You earned it. Do a dance of celebration!
I love Matt Kahn's new definition of humility - "Confidence is the new humility." Breathe that one in. Smile... Breathe it in all through your body and down to your toes! Grow yourself some new branches - of Self Confidence.
Don't be stingy and dismissive with yourself.
Rick Hanson says one of the things we must do is SAVOR THE GOOD. Negative experiences, memories, feelings etc stick with us like velcro, not because we're bad... It is simply how the brain is wired.
Positive experiences, memories and feelings slide off of us like we're a teflon pan.
Look and see - Do you recall mostly positive things about your childhood, or more negatives? Remember it is how our brain is wired to hold memories... The negative sticks, the positive slips away.
So we must spend time and do some purposeful brain rewiring by celebrating and savoring the good. Feels silly at first... then you get to enjoy it!
Go ahead. You deserve it! You earned it. Do a dance of celebration!
I love Matt Kahn's new definition of humility - "Confidence is the new humility." Breathe that one in. Smile... Breathe it in all through your body and down to your toes! Grow yourself some new branches - of Self Confidence.
BE CONFIDENT. Do you think God feels ashamed of Her/His Creations? And WHO is made in the likeness and image of God? Give yourself permission to Enjoy, to Celebrate! Many of us are questioning the dogmas of our religions... It is our nature to Love and Be Loved... to share Love. It's why we somehow don't feel quite comfortable in our hearts when we see ourselves, or someone else behaving in a way that is missing the sensitivity, kindness and compassion of the heart. Love is our natural state. Let your self be burned in the fire of that Love, so that everything that is not that Divine Love can be burned away.
Homework!!! Each night before you go to sleep, find something to celebrate yourself for. Tell yourself how amazing you are and watch that beautiful innocent child within you sparkle!
Homework!!! Each night before you go to sleep, find something to celebrate yourself for. Tell yourself how amazing you are and watch that beautiful innocent child within you sparkle!
I See You ~ I AM In Love With You
Self-Acceptance and Sacred Transformation Coach
Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher ~ Medical Reikitm Master
Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher ~ Medical Reikitm Master
301-788-4525 hedymiri@gmail.com
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