promised to share something healing and inspiring as we clear and cleanse
in preparation for Jan 1. 3 more days!
"How worthy you are to live out
the glorious fulfillment of your destiny."
‘The Sophia Code’ by Kaia Ra
Keycode 4 Mother Mary Initiation
"How worthy you are to live out
the glorious fulfillment of your destiny."
‘The Sophia Code’ by Kaia Ra
Keycode 4 Mother Mary Initiation
When I began to do my deep healing and transforming
work… when my Soul began to take hold and grow in me, I began to realize that
my problems and issues were not caused by other people or the situations in my life.
I had to turn around and look at my self and how I was interacting with life... how I was showing up with others... Not easy to look at me and my life honestly.
I had to turn around and look at my self and how I was interacting with life... how I was showing up with others... Not easy to look at me and my life honestly.
When I found Byron Katie’s book ‘Loving What Is’ ,
my first thought was - ‘Loving” – you must be kidding! Actually – I was a bit more exuberant than that.
You must be F**King kidding me, I thought.
Loving!! I can barely look at and honestly acknowledge what
is – I surely can’t love what I’m seeing in my self…. my patterns,
defenses and issues, my faults.
I had quite the committee of inner critics, bullies,
haters and judges in my head.
Tomorrow I'll share about how I began to shift out of all the self rejection, criticism, denial and self hatred… and we are no different - you can shift too !
Tomorrow I'll share about how I began to shift out of all the self rejection, criticism, denial and self hatred… and we are no different - you can shift too !
You too can truly find self-compassion, self-acceptance…
and understand what Byron Katie meant when she wrote the words - Loving What Is
and understand what Byron Katie meant when she wrote the words - Loving What Is
Love is the medicine. Love is the answer... not the sappy romantic
love... It was about discovering the eternal Unconditional Love that had always
been nestled inside of me... that is inside each one of us. That ability
to love myself had always been there... waiting to blossom.... everyone has
this bud, ready to blossom.
you for joining me on this journey of
Sacred Transformation
back into the Heart of Peace and Love
I See You ~ I AM In Love With You
Miri Klements
Self Acceptance and Sacred Transformation Coach
Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher ~ Medical Reikitm Master
December 28
This creation of a human self and our personality cannot be avoided. It's what being a human is about.
The programming we received creates viruses in our lives and informs all aspects of our lives. Look and see... We so often live on automatic pilot, in repeating patterns, numb, reacting without the ability to make a different choice…
We live lives of limitation and bondage. 99.9% of us. It is simply the way it has been here... I am just giving you something for your mind to chew on.... and consider.
I love the words below. They form one of foundations in my life and in my coaching practice.
This is the journey now. Join me in Sacred Transformation back back into the Heart of Peace and Love
“Unconditional Love is not
something you must earn.
It is, always was, and always will be with you …
It is, always was, and always will be with you …
Because I AM.
God is in your very breath, and your next, always” Miri
I hope you had a chance to read yesterday's message. It is below. Thank you
As we continue – I would love to offer you a method for HOW to
begin to unravel the programming, conscious and unconscious beliefs, unhealed
emotions, limitations, experiences, and conditioning that have been running the
your life. Yes, we are like a computer that has been programmed – by our
parents, family, culture, teachers, peers, media, religion.
cannot be avoided. For example - If you lived in South America you would
naturally take a few hours siesta in the afternoon – a big meal and perhaps a
nap and then return to work.
Here many of us eat our lunch as we sit at our desks and continue to
work – work all day… without a true lunch break. Even if you take lunch…
how long do you take? We would NEVER consider taking a few hours
every afternoon.
Working hard... it's the American way! We have been ‘programmed’ if you
will… It’s almost in our blood and bones.
This creation of a human self and our personality cannot be avoided. It's what being a human is about.
The programming we received creates viruses in our lives and informs all aspects of our lives. Look and see... We so often live on automatic pilot, in repeating patterns, numb, reacting without the ability to make a different choice…
We live lives of limitation and bondage. 99.9% of us. It is simply the way it has been here... I am just giving you something for your mind to chew on.... and consider.
Then our Spirit rings a bell and it’s time to undo, unravel,
heal and delete the programs... that have been running our lives. It's happening
to you if you're reading this!
It's time for Freedom, Inner Peace, Joy, Deep Acceptance, Self Compassion and Conscious Aware Choice ipo simply reacting to life habitually.
I love the words below. They form one of foundations in my life and in my coaching practice.
“The most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently.”
Pema Chodron
Looking at ourselves Gently is critical. Self Compassion.
I began my healing journey with none of that.
Now it informs and influences every part of my life.
Are you kind and gentle with yourself? Would you like to be?
As we begin to awaken from this ‘dream’ of life… often times the things we see about ourselves, our situations, our relationships… aren’t pretty.
It’s likely you have responded just like I did – with a whole lot of self loathing, judgments against my self and a whole committee of inner critics in my head. All I wanted to do was run from my self and from the feelings that were bubbling up…. feelings of confusion, anger, pain, overwhelm, helplessness, sadness... about the mess I saw.
I wondered - why am I like this, how did this happen AND I
wished I could go back to not seeing so clearly... How could
I get rid of this part of me... How do I fix and change this -
fast! The feelings that were arising were everything uncomfortable and
I promise you that when you begin to see more clearly,
uncomfortably and honestly – it is a good thing, a very good thing…. because it means that you are
being called into change. You can no longer pretend that everything is okay…
Your Soul has a plan and it is a good plan, an excellent plan.
GOOD NEWS is that you came totally equipped and prepared in this
lifetime to handle the change, the healing, the transformation… You came in
with all the resources, tools, solutions and new skills… EVERYTHING YOU
NEED AND WILL NEED is already there inside of you... and will come to you… in Divine Time… as
needed… I PROMISE.
Remember a few messages back I wrote about your Soul’s Journey and Plan
for this life. You make a plan and then fill your suitcase and toolbox
That’s how it works. Even though we feel separate, alone,
unsupported... we never are. Please note that these are my interpretations... my beliefs. And others have written in this way also. My experiences and transformations have affirmed for me what is possible, that you can transform your life too, which is why I share.
We are not meant to stay in suffering, lack, limitation, disconnect and fear. We are meant for so much more.
"Your Destiny is a Promise you made to yourself.”
You may feel like you don't even know yourself ... What is happening to me?
Your Spirit wants to be made known to you. It wants to become your most Divine Intimate partner... in your life... in a Conscious Way.
Yes, Spirit has always been your partner... but somehow we humans have believed that we have been the 'drivers,' and have tried to control and figure things out... My way! Let me figure out what's needed here. When Spirit comes in... life becomes so much easier and sweeter... in the end.... In the middle part - the part of realizing that you aren't in control, have never been in control, have no control... that part is not easy... and then at some point the sun begins to shine again.
We have lived with fear, lack, struggle and suffering, conflicted within ourselves ex- i way to say this; i can't say this.... and all the conflicts without.
Our Spirit is whole, intact and made of the very fibers and threads of Peace, Unconditional Love, Joy, Abundance, Ease, Grace.
As your Spirit comes in to your life, into your body... it must, by design, bring more and more of these attributes into you and your life.
And it must have a space.... so it causes the things that are not of its nature that are holding the space to come up... for release.
That's what we are feeling now. It's all the stuff coming up and out and making space. Some of it just goes... and as some other patterns come up, we need to do some work... we have to look honestly, feel the feelings, cultivate self- acceptance and self-compassion... in order to 'heal', reconcile and release what is in the way of God Realization.
That's what we are going through... making space for God- cleaning the basements of our lives, every dark corner...
BEGIN BY NOTICING... NOTICE what is happening... what is showing up.
Noticing has a bit of detachment... I'm not asking you to watch carefully.
Remember the words above... have the courage to be honest and gentle with yourself.
Now begin to cultivate the part of you that is The Observer...
that notices... with curiosity, fascination and a bit of detachment... just noticing... like you are watching a movie on a screen. Literally pull yourself back a little bit, create some space, sit back in your seat and notice what is happening.
that notices... with curiosity, fascination and a bit of detachment... just noticing... like you are watching a movie on a screen. Literally pull yourself back a little bit, create some space, sit back in your seat and notice what is happening.
Notice as if you are a reporter. You will be pulled in, of course. Your emotions will start to churn and flow.
Breathe, notice and allow... as best you can...
It was hard for me in the beginning to be honest and accept what I saw. I wanted to run from what I was seeing... I could barely put words to it.
I was being shown, by my soul, that in my life it was difficult for me to speak my truth and stand up for me. My Spirit kept bringing me into situations where I had to continue to notice these painful dysfunctional patterns...
I also so that it was difficult for me to connect with my true feelings and express them. Ugly and Ouch. I just wanted to run away, reject my self all over again.
I had a lot of unraveling and healing to do… and I DID, just as you will do, because all the tools, teachings, people and support needed for your healing will show up including people who will trigger your patterns, and people who will support you in moving through them and into new life.
I AM in a very different place now. Remember –
We are BOTH~AND. We are Human AND Divine... I continue to live life from some of my old patterns, limitations, programs and conditioning... and that's just fine.
Finally, I AM more and more okay with who I am, my quirks and actions... with this character of me, birthed here by my Spirit... in Unconditional Love.
But don’t think that this is where God/My Spirit/Divine Higher Self left me… or where you will be left.
I had a lot of unraveling and healing to do… and I DID, just as you will do, because all the tools, teachings, people and support needed for your healing will show up including people who will trigger your patterns, and people who will support you in moving through them and into new life.
I AM in a very different place now. Remember –
We are BOTH~AND. We are Human AND Divine... I continue to live life from some of my old patterns, limitations, programs and conditioning... and that's just fine.
Finally, I AM more and more okay with who I am, my quirks and actions... with this character of me, birthed here by my Spirit... in Unconditional Love.
I have been given
the Gift and Grace of
Self Acceptance, Self Compassion, and Self Love.
Self Acceptance, Self Compassion, and Self Love.
the Gold.
It is beyond description or words.
It is beyond description or words.
It is the Master Key~
May I support you in discovering your Master
Please contact me for your Complimentary Discovery Consultation.
Please contact me for your Complimentary Discovery Consultation.
Did you listen to this song yet?
For me it’s the Love Song from my soul, singing to that part of me that felt scared, alone, separate and uncertain...
For me it’s the Love Song from my soul, singing to that part of me that felt scared, alone, separate and uncertain...
I See You ~ I AM In Love With You
Big HeartHugs
Miri Klements
Self Acceptance and Sacred Transformation Coach
Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher ~ Medical Reikitm Master
Self Acceptance and Sacred Transformation Coach
Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher ~ Medical Reikitm Master
301-788-4525 hedymiri@gmail.com
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