Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday, May 12         Happy Mother’s Day ~ I See You

“…The Divine Feminine, in all of her lunar/solar glory, has taken the reins on Planet Earth…..   The solar feminine embodies yang energy, strength, passion, creativity, and action……  The solar feminine is quite different from the lunar feminine, whose yin energy is gentle, receptive and nurturing…..”   ‘Unplugging The Patriarcy’ by Lucia Rene’  

The masculine and feminine that is WITHIN EACH one of us continues to rebalance.

So many emotions come up on Mother’s Day….. so many memories, thoughts…...  Be with all of life’s experiences…..hold it all …….tenderly.

Someone gave me a very powerful lesson recently.  We had just connected and she really felt a call to have a session with me…..   However, she explained that she first had to see how much her car repair would be.  What a gift that was.  How much we still attend to everything and everyone else without hesitation and leave ourselves uncared for or at the bottom when there is almost nothing left to give – Still.  And I do appreciate and honor the progress we have all made. 

A gift for everyone – periodically during the day pause and check in…..listen to your self, listen deeply to what is needed.  If you are upset, this is a good time to stop and listen deeply…….  Can you give to you as you would give to a dear friend or family member?  Notice how we still have a hard time with this.   Just NOTICE, ALLOW everything to be as it is, FEEL what is there without thoughts, without judgments…..BREATHE…..ATTEND to you.  And if needed and you are able, SIMPLY choose something different.  CHANGE can be that simple.  No resistance, no forcing, just make a different choice, following your inner guidance, your heart.

And I honor where she was coming from because most of us still have Money Fears - I see that I’m still plugged in and feel the trance of scarcity and the programs of fear that are on this planet around money. 

My favorite word is “Really?”  Is what I’m believing or telling my self really Truth…….  Really?   

So how courageous can I be – and create a different world for my self…..a world anchored in the abundance and kindness of The Energies we are created from. 

I like jumping lanes……the best way to break a habit is to do something different.  I think it is Einstein who said that Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome!  So do something different.  It’s great for the brain…… take a different route to the store, do small things differently. Get out of habit.  JUMP with me into a different lane by doing  something/anything differently.  I promise you if you’re curious about this, The Universe will present you with opportunities to break free, to move out of the illusion, the habits and into Greater Truth.  

Sometimes when we experience waves of fear coming up ……just allow them to wash through while you breathe deeply.  And if you can, don’t pick up any thoughts to explain, don’t poke around in the fear  Sometimes you have to because you’re still in process……and sometimes you’re done, so please stop cultivating and adding to ‘this garden’ by poking around with your thoughts.

By the way…..the person I wrote about jumped lanes and made an appt for her self!!

“…The Divine Feminine, in all of her lunar/solar glory, has taken the reins on Planet Earth…..”  Lucia Rene’  

Enjoy the Gifts and Grace of this Day

I AM in Love With You

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