Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Part 1 - Monday evening, November 6, 2017
Part 2 is right below this 😊

I spent the day at the courthouse on jury duty.   I am exhausted….

Truth - I’m feeling a bit frazzled and overwhelmed and my head is buzzing a bit.  

Maybe the buzzing is actually in my ears and it’s the angels trying to get my attention.

A ‘wiser’ person would have given themselves 10 minutes to sit and breathe or meditate or do some self Reiki when they came home.

Not me.  Instead – I ignored the signs of stress... and continued with my ‘to do list’ ... followed my mind chatter.  

Here’s what I notice: 
This is a pattern that I’ve had for most of my adult life…

I ignore all the signs my body is giving me to
Pause and Take a Break. 

Instead I say –
“Let me just do one more thing and then I’ll take a break.”

But it’s never just one more thing.   There is always just one more thing after that… and then it’s several hours later...

Who is this phantom I am trying to impress with this insane work ethic?

Who is watching over my shoulder?
“Let me just do this one more thing and then I’ll take a break” is a lie and a life destroying habit… and I’ve had it for so long…

For who?  Why?  When did I get on this insane and self-destructive path?

The answers to these questions honestly don’t matter.

What matters is that I AM Noticing Honestly and Compassionately
especially today because my newest Reiki Students and I made a pact to check in with each other, to support and hold each other accountable to do some Self Reiki or meditation for ourselves every day for 21 days.

I know today is the day to break another way that I ignore me. I feel and know in my bones that I AM at the end of this pattern. 

Undoing it is not hard.  I know the medicine:
I just need to honestly notice when I’m falling into the old habit… 
and choose differently.
Slow Down     Pause     Take a Break

Make a different choice

Because I love and care about myself now….

I AM taking better care of me by being honest, paying attention and honoring what's true for me instead of ignoring when I’m stressed, tired, overwhelmed, frazzled because I have kept going for too long… and I need that pause and that break.

What are you ready to change, to stop doing…
And make a new and different choice for yourself
and your life 

instead of doing the same old thing?



Get a jump start into creating a new you!

 I have one spot left for
Reiki One Class
Saturday, Nov. 11, 10-6pm in Ballantyne 

Still hesitating –
Let’s schedule a
complimentary 30 minute phone consultation
to help you get clearer on what’s keeping you stuck. 

For more details about the Reiki Class please click here

To Book a session, Register for class or Schedule your free consultation
email me

See you soon!! 

HeartHugs and Abundance of Blessings!  

Part 2 -Tuesday evening, November 7, 2017 

Well, maybe it’s not always quite so easy to make a new choice.

I realized this within 30 minutes of sending out the email last night

In just 30 minutes, I stumbled and I am humbled. 

I have a tendency to be on my computer late at night.  There I was ready to walk away and the thought arose - "Let me just check this one thing."
It would only take a minute.  Just one more thing please
I struggled. I wanted to walk away and not do just one more thing especially because the information I was looking for was not really important.

And the thought/impulse won and there I was back on my computer.  

This was an opportunity to 
deepen my compassion and understanding of how challenging it can sometimes be to make a new choice in your mind and then follow through and do it…. especially when the pattern has been in place for a long time.  
It helped me remember that our habits are woven into our brains…
and how deeply woven they are when they’ve been around for a while.
There is science behind this!

So sometimes it doesn’t happen on the first try. It can take time, commitment and persistence.  Do not give up or beat yourself up.  

Check out the work of Dr. Rick Hanson.  He makes it so easy to understand how the brain works and the latest brain science of neuroplasticity on his website and youtubes.

So today I’m your cheerleader, and mine too.   Don’t give up.  We can stop 'doing just one more thing’ or whatever it is you are ready to stop doing.
It may just take a bit of time.   And that’s okay. Remember you are undoing years of practice and habit.  Remember you are Spirit in a body 

 in Love with You

HeartHugs and Abundance of Blessings!  

Saturday, October 21, 2017

You come to a point in your life when nothing is working ...
And you’re not certain who you are anymore.
Your old ways and connections are not working-
the marriage, the job, even some friendships...
When you reach out for the familiar…. it isn’t there the way it was, or the way you need it to be.

It’s a very uncomfortable time, maybe even scary... to say the least.

Your foundation is crumbling.
I was introduced to Reiki and energy healing, the angels and spirituality during this time in my life... when nothing was working anymore.

Little did I know how important energy healing and Reiki would be, and how it would support the creation of a new foundation based in my True Self.  

Reiki supported my healing and transformation, and helped me truly establish the connection with my Higher Self - I AM That I AM.  

While Reiki is healing for the Mind, Body, Emotions and Spirit, everyone practices Reiki a little differently…. like teachers or car mechanics – we all show up a little differently.  ðŸ˜Š  

Some Reiki practitioners are masterful at helping with the physical body issues.  

For me – an important part of my offering is to
connect you more deeply with your Spirit.

For me and through me, Reiki is experienced as a Gateway to Your Soul…. connecting you more deeply with your Spirit.

I call this Soul Infusion.  You can read more about this on my website  www.OpportunitiesForTransformation.com/soul-infusion

I’d love to share more about Reiki with you – I have two Reiki events coming up.

1 - INTRODUCTION to REIKI - Sat, October 28, 10-11am
at Sanctuary Imports, Charlotte
we will complete with a guided meditation
connecting more deeply with Infinite Source and Unconditional Love
2- REIKI ONE CLASS  Saturday, November 11, 10-6pm in Ballantyne, NC.

For more details about each event www.OpportunitiesForTransformation.com/events

Ready to register - please email me
".'The Beloved and The Beloved 
inspired by
'The Book of Awakening

Having the Life You Want
by Being Present to the Life You Have
by Mark Nepo

I don’t buy books the way I used to.  These days I just pull a treasured one from the shelf and begin to read it again, opening here and there…. having permission to not start at the beginning.
Today I opened to the passage titled - Beyond The Urgency – perfect of course, because there is a part of me that is always feeling an urgency 

to do, 
to speak, 
to correct, 
to fix myself or someone else,
to worry,
to decide, 
to know, 
to do….did I type ‘to do’ twice….  such is this part of my human self. 

We have so many parts to our human being self….  

Of course –
and this is the magic and mystery of being human – so many shades and hues and experiences to have and explore.

This is what I'd like to share from his book with you.

Mark Nepo writes:

“I learned this over and over, during the many crisis of cancer.

Unless someone is bleeding or can’t breathe, unless there is some true physical requirement to act swiftly, a sense of urgency is a terrible illusion, a trick that happens again and again, because life inside our skin and life outside our skin are forever different.

It is as hard as it is humbling. When feeling like I can’t sit still, I need more than ever to sit still. When feeling like I will die if I don’t have your approval, I need more than ever to die to my need for your approval…..

Now more than ever when you fear that being who you are is a knife to those you love, you must be strong inside where no one has seen you, for loving from there can only make those you love grow…..

In this way pray to know your place in the human family like you’ve never known it.

In this way, pray to have your True Self inch through the turmoil….

Love yourself the way you love your children or your dog or your dearest friend without reservation.

In this way, today with all its hardships will spill into tomorrow, and decisions will become as clear as streams thawing.”
I cherish my newly emerging ability to wait till I am clear, to pause until the clouds pass and I can feel with more certainty and see what is mine to do next.  Sometimes I can do this pausing and waiting …. and sometimes I still react too quickly out of habit.  

And BOTH of these ways of responding to life are me
the one who feels this sense of urgency and must act in some way
and the one who can pause and breathe, trust and allow life to reveal and
show me... in its time and way,
The Beloved AND The Beloved 

Friday, July 28, 2017

~ Sinking into Self Compassion ~ 

Would You Like to Experience
Your Own Heart's Unconditional Love For You?

How do you really feel
When you shame, criticize, judge, or compare yourself with another? 

How much love, goodness, abundance are you open to receiving when YOU make yourself wrong, unworthy, bad, ashamed? 
I did this self-criticism dance for most of my life. 

About 15 years ago Spirit held up a mirror and
 I could no longer deny or ignore what I saw.

I saw that I did not have my true voice. I was not authentic.
I could not express my true feelings or needs. 

I saw that the way I spoke to myself wasn't empowering me.

I was literally chipping away at my self

and destroying my own feelings of self worth and joy,

which was keeping me from everything
I really wanted in my life.

Then I learned how to change all of it.
I can help you change your war against yourself too.  

Sinking into Self Compassion

Please join me in a workshop for 
Self-Acceptance and Self-Love
Sunday, August 13, 1-6pm 

If you are tired of:
* The judging, critical voices in your head that have you feeling like you're never good enough, worthy or okay as you are

* Always being kind, understanding and compassionate with others, and being impatient, frustrated, angry and mean with yourself

* Feeling like there is always something to fix or change about yourself or something to do better

Imagine that you can: 
* Stop being so hard on yourself and silence your inner critics

* Feel more lovable, worthy, and more comfortable in your own skin

* Be patient, understanding, kind, and accepting of yourself -
no matter what!

Miri creates a unique environment that facilitates
deep lasting transformation... by allowing you to
   * COMPASSIONATELY UNDERSTAND how you got to this place
of struggle and self rejection
* LEARN  HOW TO RELEASE your limiting patterns and beliefs
* REPLACE them with kindness and understanding for yourself

You will learn new ways to be with yourself and to talk to yourself that are supporting, healthy and healing. 
From here you create your new life. 

Using Interactive Dialogue, Teaching, Meditation, Art and Music 
I will help you connect with
Experience the Warmth and Compassion of your own heart
 thawing and opening the frozen places inside of you 

~ Welcome Home ~

When:   Sunday, August, 13, 1-6pm.
Where:  Light House Spiritual Center, 645 Carpenter Ave, Mooresville
Cost:     $111.

Space is limited.  Please click here hedymiri@gmail.com now to register! 

💛   HeartHugs and Abundance of Blessings  ðŸ’› 

Thursday, July 6, 2017

You're invited to an Introductory Workshop for 

Self Acceptance ~ Self Compassion

Self Love
Can you imagine how different your life would be if you lived with
Self Acceptance and Self Kindness instead of Rejecting, Shaming, Criticizing, Judging, Comparing and Hating parts of yourself?

Can you imagine how differently you might feel inside yourself?

I know because I lived there for most of my life and was so used to it... until about 15 years ago when my Spirit held up the mirror... and I could no longer avoid seeing how painful my self talk was and how, bit by bit, I was destroying my self and also limiting my life, my freedom and my creativity.  

Learning how to change these toxic limiting beliefs and patterns was one of the hardest, and also most important things I had to do for myself.  I'm not done... but I've come far enough to know that if you want to 
swim in the sea of self kindness, self love and inner harmony I can help you and it will truly transform your life. 

If you’re feeling the call to bring more self kindness and self acceptance into your life and aren’t sure how to begin… I was there and I would love to support you.  

Please join me for this Introductory Workshop
Self Acceptance ~ Self Compassion ~ Self Love 

I'll be sharing some of my key processes with you, so that you can begin to
re-connect with and open your Kind and Loving Heart to yourself.  

Using Teaching, Dialogue, Meditation and Music
* Explore WHY it’s been so hard to be kind and accepting with yourself
* Connect to your own heart and truly feel the compassion
and love for yourself
* Learn simple practices for how to begin to bring compassion,
kindness and acceptance to yourself

When: Thursday, July 13, 7-9 pm
Where:  Sanctuary Imports 822 Lamar Ave, Charlotte
Cost: $33.
Our Space is limited. Please email Miri to register

HeartHugs and Abundance of Blessings!!

Miri Klements
Sacred Transformation Coach ~ Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher
Pioneer for Self-Compassion


Monday, June 26, 2017

"I See Your True Colors Shining Through"

Beloved -  We are so amazing… and it is so hard for us to see~ 

It’s no small thing to be willing to re-examine your self and your life
because you have come to have a healthy respect for the Awareness that arises with some of your habitual responses to life and people… I’m talking about the time when you just know that these old habits and patterns no longer feel good, appropriate, healthy or right for who you are now or for who you want to be.  

Ugh.  Today and yesterday was all about this. What a birthday gift!   

Our lives are becoming more transparent.  Sometimes it’s hard to look and know what to do with the mess or pain you feel inside of yourself… with the uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.
What should I DO? 
I remind myself of the medicine that asks us to wait with as much SELF COMPASSION, SELF KINDNESS AND PATIENCE as we can give ourselves.  To BE with what is arising, with everything, as best we can... 

to get out of our heads and notice what we are feeling in our body – the sensations…

Can we acknowledge our true feelings?

Today it was hard for that part of me that learned to show up strong, deny my needs and feelings and take care of my family first….

To say: ‘I’m scared.  I’m afraid.’  It’s a challenge for me to acknowledge and say that, even though I know it is the little girl inside of me speaking who never had anyone to listen to her, and she needs someone (me) to hear her now and not dismiss or diminish her. It’s time.

Perhaps call a dear friend. counselor, or coach that you can trust…. who can listen and hold sacred space... be your holy witness.

My friend sang this song to me today - 'TRUE COLORS'- and I’m sharing it with you, because if I need it…. some of you need it too. The link to the song True Colors is below:

Speaking out loud and feeling safe to do so changes everything…. and allows what was stuffed and stuck to move and to rearrange itself into a more harmonious pattern that is reflective and supportive of who you are now... of the adult you are now….

so that you don’t keep living with your old reactive, protective and life limiting patterns – originally created by the brilliant innocent child who created these genius coping skills and patterns in order to protect and survive.  

We aren’t the child we once were. And it takes great courage to look honestly, and to speak honestly.  It’s hard, and yet I know this is where True Freedom and Opportunities for true lasting Transformation reside. 

 What are you being called to do? Mine is to look again at my beliefs (mostly unconscious) and assumptions, to feel my feelings, to listen and to take care of the little girl inside of me who did not have an adult capable of doing that for her.

I know how important and life changing it is to have someone who Listens with Compassion and Respect.  

Please join me at Circle of Namaste’ - A Sacred Talking Circle 
Thursday, June 29, 7-8:30pm at Sanctuary Imports, Charlotte. 

Are you ready to reconnect with
the Wisdom and Self-Compassion within yourself?

In this Sacred Talking Circle, we will hold the intention of Namaste’.

We will not offer advice or try to fix or change anyone.

We will simply listen deeply from our hearts and
focus on the Divine in ourselves and in each other.  

In this safe space, each one will have an opportunity to speak about what they are struggling with or seeking clarity for. 

As we speak and share we will discover the truths, answers, solutions, wisdoms, self-compassion and self-acceptance...  already there … within.

Our Circle of Namaste’ is about
Recognizing and Receiving The Divine in ourselves and
Allowing ourselves to Know what we Know and that we Know.

Please join us - 
WHEN:    Thursday, June 29, 7-8:30pm
WHERE:  Sanctuary Imports  822 Lamar Ave., Charlotte, NC 28204
COST:      $5.
TO REGISTER:   Please Call 980-237-4780

click here for the   TRUE COLORS link

I see your True Colors shining through - you are amazing, bright,
beautiful and lovable exactly as you are!  

HeartHugs and Abundance of Blessings!

Miri Klements
Sacred Transformation Coach ~ Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher
Pioneer for Self-Compassion


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Circle of Namaste' ~ A Sacred Talking Circle 

Beloved -  I took a trip to Medjugorje in Bosnia - Herzegovina in 2002. As I walked around the simple village, I watched the townspeople nod in acknowledgement to each other.

As they smiled and nodded, they would say the word BOK.  I assumed it meant hello or have a good day.  It does.  "Bok is usually considered as an informal way to say HI, Hello, or Bye"

Looking further, I discovered that one of the original meanings of the word BOK is GOD.

I am sure that most of them had forgotten the derivation of the word... and did not realize that they were saying God, just at the moment that they were bowing their heads and acknowledging their neighbors and friends. Pretty Profound~

We use a similar word here in the U.S.  When we complete a yoga class, we finish by bowing to each other and we say - Namaste'.  The word has sanskrit and hindu derivations.

Namaste' means I bow to the Divine in You.  I see, behold, recognize
The Divine / God in you... and I bow.  

Yoga teacher Aadil Palkhivala says: "The gesture Namaste' represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart charka" (in the center of our chest).  My guess is that most of us say Namaste' without really groking it. 

  Bok - Namaste' 
 Wayne Dyer says that God is our very nature:  

"Recognizing your own divinity,

“I Am God” is not blasphemy, it is your identity...

We are the God that is Love."

Circle of Namaste' - A Sacred Talking Circle
How often have you looked to someone else for guidance, knowledge, acceptance, kindness… and felt frustrated that you couldn’t access these for your self?

Most of us have not been taught how to trust ourselves… and validate our own feelings, wisdoms, and ways of knowing.

Is it time for you to reconnect with the Wisdom and Self-Compassion within yourself?

In this Sacred Talking Circle, we will hold the intention of Namaste’.

We will not offer advice or try to fix or change anyone.

We will simply listen deeply from our hearts and focus on the Divine in each other.  

In this safe space, each one will have an opportunity to speak about what they are struggling with or seeking clarity for. 

As we speak and share we will discover the truths, answers, solutions, wisdoms, self-compassion and self-acceptance...  already there … within.

Our Circle of Namaste’ is about

Recognizing and Receiving The Divine in ourselves and
Allowing ourselves to Know what we Know and that we Know.

Please join us - 
WHEN:    Thursday, June 29, 7-8:30pm 
WHERE:  Sanctuary Imports  822 Lamar Ave., Charlotte, NC 28204
COST:      $5.
TO REGISTER:   Please Call 980-237-4780  
HeartHugs and Abundance of Blessings!

Miri Klements
Sacred Transformation Coach ~ Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher
Pioneer for Self-Compassion


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Transforming How We See, Label and Define Ourselves

Beloved -  I’m inspired to share more about the subject from my last email - A Time of Endings and New Beginnings.  If you missed the message, you can read it below this one.

Endings and New Beginnings is not necessarily about the end of a relationship or career or a move you are having to make, though it can be.

Sometimes it can also be the end of the way you know yourself, label or define your self, especially the qualities about your self that you take great pride in… 

We can be so rock solid about our qualities and how we see ourselves.

We say - 'This is me...   I'm  ______. This is what I do best.  I'm not like that at all.  I can't be like that.  Oh, I would never do that! '  

Some of these qualities are there because they are actually part of our best coping self - the part of us that we developed in order to survive and thrive in an overwhelming or painful world. .

Here's an example - I'm a take charge person, often a leader.   I like that part of me,  and I see that sometimes it is to the extreme of being 'controlling'... thinking/believing that I need to do everything myself, having a hard time trusting others to do the tasks right, not being great at delegating. Familiar to some of you? 

This life is a play, and the parts we have been playing and the costumes we have been wearing are changing and this includes how we know, label and define ourselves.

We are being invited to see with greater honesty and self compassion about how we define ourselves, which in turn LIMITS us and what we think we are capable of. 

I  am also noticing that some of these rock solid qualities are not so solid.... Is this you too?  Do you also notice that you are beginning to show up differently, and are behaving in ways or making choices that are 'uncharacteristic' of how you have defined yourself?

You might be asking yourself - Hmmmm, Who am I??

We are disconnecting from patterns of who we think we are, how we need to show up to be liked and accepted... or what our 'right' path / goal is.

Maybe you are also noticing more emotions bubbling up ...

A new part of ourselves is already beginning to come forth.

We are disconnecting from who we think we are,
to discover who we truly are as we shift into
Soul Alignment ipo Ego Alignment. 

I know it's quite unsettling... and it's also quite exciting! 

Here's a short video I made for you on
Transforming how we see, label and define ourselves. 


We are Spirit having this human experience and a chapter is ending, Our Spirit is bringing forth something new.... and the new is more brilliant, amazing, clear, grounded and balanced than we could imagine or create an intention for!

Perhaps it's better not to create an intention which can be limiting.... and simply Allow Spirit to have her way with you.  She ultimately will !!
Are you finding yourself navigating through old stuff, the tender sensitive places... feeling uncomfortable and more vulnerable?

Would you like to stop beating yourself up about your inability to let go, and learn a better way to navigate through this change?

Would you like to have more 

compassion, understanding and kindness towards yourself 

instead of rejection, blame and shame for your self?  

If you would like support during your transformation process, please contact me for your free 30 minute phone consultation. hedymiri@gmail.com

If you missed my blog post about - 'Heaven to Earth,'  you can read it below. 

"My Complimentary Consultation.  
Miri, you were a blessing to me at my time of need. 

I was embarking on a move to someplace completely foreign to me and I was doing it alone for the very first time in my life.  

I read Miri’s email and I took advantage of the Complementary Consultation that Miri offered and was so comforted and inspired by her genuine warmth, connection and knowledge.  

It calmed the alarms that were going off in my head, got me recommitted to my inner truth and fueled trust and faith in the divine to a new degree of intensity. Thank you Miri. I have had another session with Miri and highly recommend her to anyone looking for some truly inspirational connection to spirit.  I look forward to working with her more in the future.”    DSA

If you're ready for faster shifts, new tools and understandings...

if you're tired of feeling stuck, anxious, depressed

please contact me for a FREE 30 minute Discovery Consultation. 

Big HeartHugs and Abundance of Blessings!