Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Why is it important to recognize
 that you have a soul and
 to strengthen your connection
 with Your Divine Self? 
Because bringing this vibration, your True Soul Self, into your awareness, your body, and your life will change everything in the most miraculous of ways.  It did this for me ... which is why I'm writing to you about it. 

“We tend to get caught up in our lives, to make all of the little, personal things important.  But this is the view of the personal self.  Lighten up! Remember that we are here, playing a game of experience and learning; that, when viewed through the eyes of the Universal Self, these issues are simply… the illusory nature of life.”

Regardless of The subject… “Always, the invitation is to navigate beyond the issue into the Light.” Lucia Rene  

Your Soul is The Light that we are all trying to get to!   And at the same time... the ego resists.  Such a paradox~

If you read my last blog, just below, you’ll know that I wasn’t looking for Reiki.  It found me when I was being prepared to move into a life beyond my struggles, shame, self-rejecting and constant judging...

I wore a mask to the world that said:  'I'm fine. I'm good.  I can take care of it."  What a painful lie - because behind the mask and deep inside of me there was so much fear, doubt and feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness... of not really feeling lovable or enough… all my limiting beliefs, stories and emotional chaos.

Reiki was a key and a powerful tool that unlocked the Unconditional Love within my Soul...  Reiki supported and continues to support my shift into greater Peace, Self Compassion, True Confidence and Joy.  
I have helped countless others with coaching and Reiki too.  
Please know that everyone experiences Reiki a little differently.  Some Reiki Practitioners are masterful at removing headaches or pain … 

While these gifts do also come through me, I find Reiki to be my vehicle especially for helping myself and others connect more strongly and completely with our Spirit/Soul/Divine Self/I AM/God... for bringing the soul into your life. 

And when this connection is strengthened and you are infused more and more completely with the energies of Your True Self…  then the darkness and shadows are more easily and more quickly eclipsed and transformed by by This Light.  

You no longer need to really work at healing your issues.  Instead you find yourself abiding more and more in the Peace that passeth all understanding…   because this human life is simply an experience you chose to have… 

And the qualities of your True Authentic Self Peace, Grace, Freedom, Ease, Joy - come to you without you having to prove your worthiness to receive them... or fix anything!

I promise you - they simply come. 

We are in desperate need of change.  If you’ve read this far, you are ready… 

Reiki will help bring Peace back into your body… into your relationships and your health… into your life~    

I offer you these opportunities for your transformation.- 

One Hour Reiki Session - begin to shift your vibrations out of the density of your human experiences… Into the Light of your True Being.

If you want to shift in quantum speed  -  combine Reiki with Self-Acceptance and Self-Compassion Empowerment Coaching ( one and a half hour session)

Reiki One Class - Saturday, November 5 10-6pm  $222
Everyone can learn.  Everyone can benefit!
After this one day class you will be a Certified Reiki Practitioner – ready and able to give a Reiki Treatment to yourself, your children, others, and  your pets. GREAT tool to have in your toolbox for anything... for everything! 

Reiki One ‘Refresher Class’  Sunday, Oct 30, 1-5pm.    $111.
This is for you if you already took Reiki One and maybe didn't practice enough so now you doubt your connection and wonder if you're doing it correctly.... I get it.   You just need a review and jump start! 

 * Please click here to email me your choice and get started * 

Big Heart Hugs & *Reiki Blessings 
*aka Blessings from your Soul!!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Are You Seeking a Stronger Connection with Your Soul ?

My life was in total falling apart mode when I took a Reiki One and Two Class   
20 years ago.  I felt nothing in the classes, and did nothing much with the training…

Looking back, I see that in spite of my thoughts that nothing happened –
Reiki did in fact ignite something deep within me that continued to grow. 

My Divinity, My Soul was ignited by Reiki.

Things began to change and I actually continued to pursue classes in Reiki and other energy healing modalities, spirituality and mysticism.

The spark of My Spirit that Reiki touched continued to grow…  and Reiki and energy healing work continued to support my shift out of the limitations of ego and personality into Soul Filled living.
Our human experience here requires us to develop an ego.  We create and live our lives from our egos.  It’s just like that here.   Egos are all about fear, living in limiting beliefs and stories, never enough, endless seeking, comparing, judging, blaming… 

Don’t misunderstand.  Reiki didn’t automatically turn my life into a pasture of ease and peace.  I had lots of issues, blockages and limiting beliefs to work through.  I see now that having My Soul closer and closer to me in my life – connecting with and aligning with my Soul - was what made it easier to face my demons and move through the pain and into Peace. My stuff continues to come up…  and I am so much more skillful at navigating through it… and it’s much easier to return to peace and to choose peace.

Imagine if you could return to peace with greater ease. 

When you finally begin to live more and more from your Soul instead of your ego, you naturally begin to open to a world of Peace, Harmony, Abundance, Joy, Ease and Grace…. because these are the natural attributes and vibrations of your Soul.  

You don’t have to do anything to become worthy of receiving these in your life.  They come in with your Soul.  You just have to commit to doing the work to shift your vibrations.

When I understood how important Reiki was in supporting my healing and in transforming my life, I wanted to help others too.  I started offering Reiki Sessions and teaching Reiki Classes.  I added Coaching to the Reiki sessions, because it was so natural for me to compassionately and intuitively guide others. 

Reiki turns the switch on for your Soul Connection. Reiki deepens and expands this connection if you’re already experiencing it.    

Your life truly begins to change.  When you begin to live more and more in the vibration of your Soul - Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Judgments, Shame begin to fade from your life. Resistance begins to fade.  You stop rejecting and hating parts of yourself and beating yourself up.   Peace grows.

You become the Living Embodiment of
Your Soul’s Unconditional Acceptance, Love and
Celebration of everything in Your Life!
Shifting out of the ego and living in the vibration of your Soul, of your True Authentic Self … is an energy shift of amazing proportion.  If you have read this far, you are already in the midst of this shift….

Your human experiences don’t stop.  Life continues to happen… but 
SEEING AND LIVING LIFE THROUGH THE EYES AND HEART OF YOUR SOUL gives you a very different perspective and a totally different experience  

Reiki Can Help with anything and everything that you are struggling with because it is shifting into the vibration of Your Soul/Spirit that will end the struggling and dissolve the problems...  

It is not something outside of you that will rescue you and fill the emptiness. It is your own Soul, coming home into your body that brings you Peace.  

Would you like to truly release  
 the patterns of worry, anxiety, depression, exhaustion,
 the need to control everything, 
feeling responsible for everyone and everything?

Would you like to  
have more energy and feel more balanced,
be more comfortable in your own skin and speak your truth more easily?
 Are you ready to shift into Soul Filled Living?
Let Reiki be your next step.

 ** I promised you FOUR ways you could work with Reiki **
Please click here to email me and get you started!

#1 One Hour Private Reiki Session 

You already took Reiki One, didn't practice enough, and you need a jump start?   
 #2  Reiki One ‘Refresher’ Class 
Sunday, October 30, 1-5pm
Details right below this message

 Now that you’ve read all about Reiki, you want to take a class!
#3 Reiki One Class
Saturday, November 5, 10-6pm
Details below this message, 2 blog posts down. 
If you are interested in Reiki 2 or Master Class please contact me.

Feeling stuck? 
#4 Free 30 minute phone consultation

Are You Seeking a Stronger Connection with Your Soul ?

My life was in total falling apart mode when I took Reiki One and Two Classes,  
20 years ago.  I felt nothing in the classes, and did nothing much with the training…

Looking back, I see that in spite of my thoughts that nothing happened –
Reiki did in fact ignite something deep within me that continued to grow. 

My Divinity, My Soul was ignited by Reiki.

Things began to change and I actually continued to pursue classes in Reiki and other energy healing modalities, spirituality and mysticism.

The spark of My Spirit that Reiki touched continued to grow…  and energy healing work continued to support my shift out of the limitations of ego and personality into Soul Filled living.
Our human experience here requires us to develop an ego.  We create and live our lives from our egos.  It’s just like that here.   Egos are all about fear, limitations, never enough, endless seeking, comparing, judging, blaming… 

Don’t misunderstand.  Reiki didn’t automatically turn my life into a pasture of ease and peace.  I had lots of issues, blockages and limiting beliefs to work through.  I see now that having My Soul closer and closer to me in my life – connecting with and aligning with my Soul - was what made it easier to face my demons and move through the pain and into Peace. My stuff continues to come up…  and I am so much more skillful at navigating through them… and it’s much easier to return to peace and to choose peace.

Imagine if you could return to peace with greater ease. 

When you finally begin to live more and more from your Soul instead of your ego, you naturally begin to open to a world of Peace, Harmony, Abundance, Joy, Ease and Grace…. because these are the natural attributes and vibrations of your Soul.  

You don’t have to do anything to become worthy of receiving these in your life… they come in with your Soul.  You just have to commit to doing the work to shift your vibrations.

When I understood how important Reiki was in supporting my healing and in transforming my life, I wanted to help others too.  I started offering Reiki Sessions and teaching Reiki Classes.  I added Coaching to the Reiki sessions, because it was so natural for me to compassionately and intuitively guide others. 

Reiki turns the switch on for your Soul Connection…. Reiki deepens and expands this connection if you’re already feeling it…. and your life truly begins to change.    

When you begin to live more and more in the vibration of your Soul - Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Judgments, Shame begin to fade from your life. Resistance begins to fade.  You stop rejecting parts of yourself and beating yourself up.   
You become the Living Embodiment of
Your Soul’s Unconditional Acceptance, Love and
Celebration of everything in Your Life!
Shifting out of the ego and living in the vibration of your Soul, of your True Authentic Self … is an energy shift of amazing proportion.  If you have read this far, you are already in the midst of this shift….

Your human experiences don’t stop.  Life continues to happen… but 
SEEING AND LIVING LIFE THROUGH THE EYES AND HEART OF YOUR SOUL gives you a very different perspective and a totally different experience  

Reiki Can Help with anything and everything that you are struggling with because it is shifting into the vibration of Your Soul/Spirit that will end the struggling and dissolve the problems...  

It is your own Soul, coming home into your body that brings you Peace.  It is not something outside of you that will rescue you and fill the emptiness.

Would you like to truly release  
 the patterns of worry, anxiety, depression, exhaustion
 the need to control everything 
and stop feeling responsible for everyone and everything?

Would you like to  
Have more energy and feel more balanced
Be more comfortable in your own skin and Speak your truth more easily?
 Are you ready to shift into Soul Filled Living?

Let Reiki be your next step.

I promised you FOUR ways I would work with you with Reiki

#1 Book your One Hour Reiki Session today! 

Did you take a Reiki One Class, not practice and you need a jump start?   
 #2  Reiki One ‘Refresher’ Class 
Sunday, October 30, 1-5pm
Details below this message

 Now that you’ve read all about Reiki, you want to take a class!
#3 Reiki One Class
Saturday, November 5, 10-6pm
Details below this message, 2 blogs posts down. 
If you are interested in Reiki 2 or Master Class please contact me.

Feeling stuck? 
#4 Free 30 minute phone consultation
to help you get clearer on what’s keeping you stuck and how to move forward. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

I heard you!   

Reiki One Refresher Class
Sunday,  October 30,  1 - 5:00pm

This Class Is For You If 

* you have taken Reiki One and feel like you
never really followed through or didn’t practice enough·
*you want to reconnect with Reiki and need a jumpstart

We Will Review:  
* Establishing your connection with Reiki and preparing to give a treatment
* Hand positions for giving a Reiki Treatment to yourself and to another 

* You will connect with Reiki  and give yourself a Reiki treatment
* You will connect with Reiki  and give and receive a full Reiki treatment

Class includes instruction, Handouts, Practice, Q&A

When:  Sunday, Oct 30,  1-5pm    
Cost:  $111
Where:  Elemental Healing 5200 Park Rd, Charlotte - Building 1 Conference Room

Miri Klements
Reiki Master Teacher and Medical Reiki™ Master
Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner
Self-Acceptance and Self-Love Coach

Please click here