Saturday, July 13, 2013


Beloved ~   Lots of intense energies have been coming through since the solstice (intense energies, this feels like such a familiar phrase :-) ) especially last week…. wowsers!  And I’m reminding you that each of us experiences the energies differentlyFor some of you these latest waves were 'no big deal' and for some of us – it was just - Turning things inside out - What has been inside, in my subconscious, unconscious, buried, what I didnt want to/couldn’t acknowledge or especially what I didnt want to FEEL......was revealed……. And there was no ‘escape’.  And we were feeling the discomfort! 
It is our personal stuff that’s up for releasing and transforming, and also alot of what we are experiencing and feeling is the collective - humanity's discomforts turned inside out..... the fear, the uncertainty, anxiety, anger, rage, guilt, shame, pain, the limitations, dramas, stories and the traumatic experiences that we have not yet processed and moved through.  And we had no place to hide…..
Some had a clear understanding of what needed to be looked at or felt and some just felt uggghhhhh and grrrrrrrhhhh....
Whatever you've been working on or need to work on, acknowledge and especially allow your self to FEEL - the Light of Divine Love was shining on it and it felt uncomfortable.  Our pain was showing itself so that we would finally stop denying what we are feeling.  Our insides were turned out and revealed to us. 
So this is what I first wrote about my discomforts during the week:  For all ‘the work’ I’ve done…..I still notice the resistance, the no, the self judgment and the thinking that I should be doing something differently so this wouldn’t be happening, the ‘trying to fix’ and understand what my mind could not get clarity on……. instead of simply allowing the discomfort, leaning in and saying yes…...  I did not experience my self as the sun, watching deeply penetrating storms passing through, as I continued to be the sun….. aka resting as Presence Awareness.
And at midweek I said forget all this spiritual stuff – I’m just going to rent a couple of movies and chill….so chill and laugh I did.  Probably the best thing I could have done to get me out of my ego self and my human mind. (Oh yes….”now” I’m remembering the suggestion that doing things that place us in joy is the most beneficial thing we can do. Some part of me did remember that wisdom……)
And you know what…allowing me to write to you allows me to see what a BS story I have going about how I was during this discomfort. How I continue to ‘judge’ me as not there yet…… Grace and Love don’t require a 100% improvement and change of response in order to bring in the Grace & The Love.  TRUTH - I’ve changed a lot and so have you.  TRUTH – Through the turbulence I was less resistant, more feeling, more allowing, more self compassionate  – JUST LIKE YOU!  Yay us!  And the gifts of this latest wave of LoveLight are now rolling in for me -
As I look back to last week I see that as my insides were turned to the outside, as my ‘stuff’ was coming up….. as my vibration was shifting….. at the same time a GIFT of such TREMENDOUS GRACE was coming in… Of course during the turbulence I just couldn’t see what this was all for, what was being prepared behind the scenes.  It’s like climbing to the top of the mountain and passing through storms that block your visibility and make it uncomfortable along the way… and when it clears and you get to the magnificent vistas….it’s so worth it. 
At the end of this uncomfortable week I experienced what I realize now was such GRACE.  I had the MOST AMAZINGLY authentic conversation with someone who is very close to me.  This conversation had been rumbling around in me for a while and finally the pieces were in place for it to happen in the most magical and authentic way.  It just unfolded.  I was true to me and I spoke without the sugarcoating and holding back dance that I usually do….  The discomfort I experienced earlier in the week seemed to be shaking things up and setting things in place so that I could finally have this conversation which allowed me to bring forth my truth, my wisdom and my heart.. full on. The words just kept coming, the honesty just kept rolling out….
The release and the healing for me came from finally speaking my truth – AND being with someone who could hear me and receive me ….. though I wasn’t sure how they would respond.  There was a ‘fear’ that if I spoke my truths I would loose this person.  And the exact opposite happened.  Sometimes it works like this, and sometimes it doesn’t…. sometimes the relationship does complete. Either way it is Grace.
What was so different for me is that a part of me has danced very hard trying to figure out how to speak without offending or upsetting the other. And now I see I have recovered another part of me…..under the fear and the mask was my authentic voice, this voice that is clear, honest, vulnerable, wise and loving.  Now some of you may be surprised at how I have just described my fear and my mask because many of you reading this already saw a part of me that was authentic, wise and loving.…..and you also don’t know how much I have not had my voice – just like you.  It’s funny writing these Miri Messages.  I never know where they are going to end up. 
I learned well ~ how to mask my true voice, how to dance around what I really wanted to say because of all the fears, beliefs, stories and conditioning that were there ….. how to not feel what I was feeling.  I know some of you can appreciate my sharing about not being able to speak your truth.  And for others of you, no matter how honest you think you are – look again….. what parts of you are you still hiding?  Be Tender with your self please….remember you had to hide parts of your self for your survival, safety, for love……       And this week…..the rumblings seem to come and go….and I notice that I AM able to choose to rest in Presence more than ever before.  A worrisome thought arises – I breathe deeply and choose another thought …… It is a miracle, and it’s available for you.   Everything is an opportunity to return to Divine Alignment….everything, only everything.  More and more conscious choice is available…….. 

I am here to support you during these shifts and changes.  I offer you Compassionate Presence, Intuitive Guidance and Energy Therapies to support your moving through and beyond your pains, struggles and stories, into the Light and Grace of your True Self.  Please contact me to set up your appointment. 

Save the date for the next LIVING GRACE and EVERY DAY MIRACLES WORKSHOP – Sunday, July 28 ….and guess what it will be about:
THE GIFTS OF HONESTY & AUTHENTICITY – Speaking your Truth, Acknowledging your True Feelings
I See You and I Love You, all of you

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