Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Solstice Blessings    June 21, 2013
Beloved ~

I was going to finish this message with this short video…..I’m putting it at the beginning, so you don’t miss it.  ‘Imagine Peace’….. Feel….it’s a beautiful gift to feel….let your heart break open…
 Wow – it’s been up and down for many of us recently!  And the day of the Summer Solstice, the evening was absolutely perfect.  Clear, Present, Loving Energies, Gentle Breeze.  Well done Beloved – you helped create this Gracefilled Day. I hope you enjoyed the day and did something different and delicious for your self.  You deserve it!! 

What are you here for – to “be your self!!  Everyone else is taken!”   And now… remember how to accept all of you, because all of you…..every part of you is Divine, Holy, God.  There is nothing else.  You don’t have to do anything to earn this status.  It is who you are.  Let’s begin to move into and embody this Self Acceptance now….this Love of Self, of God in physical manifestation.  Holy, Pure, Perfect – You Are. 

Maybe I’ll write more tomorrow.  Today I just wanted to send you big hugs, celebrate YOU!!! and tell you how much I love you and admire your staying on this planet, during this crazy time of energies integrating, colliding, continuing to push up all the emotional and physical stuff that has been buried……it’s painful and challenging…..and still you stay! 

Thank you Mona and Ken for offering the labyrinth walk for the community at Baker Park.  It was exciting to see someone who had never walked a labyrinth before have the courage to walk it, to experience the loving support as she made her way along the pathways to arrive at the center - The Heart, The Beloved……Her Heart….because there is only One Heart…and it beats in all of us.  For me – the labyrinth walk was an opportunity to jump lanes.  I love jumping lanes, meaning doing something that allows me to show up totally different from who I believe my self to be, from how I’ve limited my self.  JUMP LANES – you can do it too! Just jump!

I’ve walked a labyrinth quite a bit.  The walking is a meditation … can be an opportunity to be in contemplation for what I want to receive, release, understand from another perspective, or sometimes it is just allowing myself to receive what is perfect for me….. AND THEN I come to the center of the labyrinth, The Divine, The Holy of Holies and bask in this Light, Divine Holy Energies. 

Most of us hesitate when we come to this place of Holiness in the center of the labyrinth.  Do we feel we are ready/worthy to move into the center and experience God’s Unconditional Love for us, or that we are ready to truly align with The Divine.   Most of us are still thinking - I still have something to do, to fix, to heal, to change, to get rid of, to grasp before I am worthy, ready…..before I am acceptable as I am.  This lack of self acceptance and the judgments against ourselves are so insidious…..we don’t even notice how constant this background noise of judgment is, and how it plays with us.  

Earlier in the day I had the impressions about my ‘jumping lanes’ at the labyrinth. The thought came - Forget all of this having to do something before I deem my self worthy/ready for Love (represented by walking the paths to the center).  No hesitation, asking, begging, questioning, because there is still something I think I don’t have correct, that I’m not okay ‘yet’, not ready yet for God acknowledgment.  
Tonight, for my self and for everyone there and for everyone on the planet - I was guided to walk directly into the center of the labyrinth, fully accepting my self as I am, as I AM, already Pure, Holy, Divine. Stand as the God that I AM, to stand there for everyone and claim me…. Walking without hesitation into the center, into the vibration of the Holy of Holies and as I did, I opened my arms wide and owned this!  I AM worthy now……I AM Holy, Pure, The Divine here, in this body.  Jesus, Buddha, you, me - same~same – one energy manifesting, vibrating in us, as us. ONE DIVINE ENERGY, Holy Pure – you, me, One Source Energy.

God in this body.  I just love ‘jumping lanes’… felt powerful and different and no more fooling around, hiding my self, making my self small, lying to me about me. I am LOVED and LOVABLE exactly as I AM!   JUST LIKE YOU!!  So let’s stop right now…..put your arms around your self and give your self a hug, a big yummy hug and say I Love You to your self.  Feel those arms hugging and loving you. Rock a little and say – well done Beloved, well done, I Love You. Take a deeeep breath.

I see You ~  I AM in Love with You


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