Friday, February 1, 2013

Every Day Living

I was out driving the other day and happened to look up when I was at a stop sign.  Above me was a bird and it was still….just being there in the sky.  No movement of wings, no soaring and gliding.  It was held there, gently.   Present, Aware, Still, Majestic and oh so magical how this can actually happen ……forces of the universe/nature that are beyond my eyes ability to see  ~ holding this magnificent creature gently in its place.

I observed it for a while and my first thoughts were:  Gee, I’m in a very ‘different’ place….. It’s been very quiet for me for an extended period of time.  My usual reference points (this is my life, this is how things happen, life feels ‘right and familiar  when this is present……) aren’t there so much.  This is somewhere I haven’t been before for such an extended period and some days I want to say:  Where did everyone go!  Anyone still with me?  Who am I?  Am I ok?  What’s going to happen….is this ‘normal’?   Anything wanting to happen…..oh, seems not.  And I clearly notice that I can’t get too involved with these questions and they easily pass like clouds in the sky.  I AM

 Now I know that some of you are off and running with the energies of 2013.  Lots of great things happening and moving for you.  For me it is quite the opposite.  Everything is quieter than ever before.  And the difference is that I AM quieter, slower, less reactive, there is pretty much no interest in drama….and when I am reacting and intensely feeling my way through something……it passes so much more quickly.    
The human mind very quickly looks to analyze, label and categorize our experiences….that’s it’s job.  As Presence/Our Divine Energies come more and more into our bodies, moving into our lives, perhaps this is how it feels.  It’s much quieter, calmer and there is very little movement to understand or label it…..tho it is curious J
And like the bird, unseen forces are holding us……holding us gently, lovingly, protectively~ Regardless of how things appear to our human eyes and thoughts – we are held, treasured, guided always and all ways. 
We are all on our path back Home……returning to living life from our True Essence instead of living life dominated by our personality’s struggles, pains, reactive patterns and beliefs….  Can you lean back and allow what ever is showing up in your life?
We are all designed to seek our natural state of harmony, peace and balance.  Either we are experiencing this harmony and peace OR our ‘stuff’ that is in the way of / the blockages to our Divine Peace are coming up so that these blockages can be seen and the feelings that hold it in place can be felt through and released  ……releasing them from our systems, never to return,  so that we can live as the Peace that is our natural birthright.
I used to believe that once I moved into higher consciousness, I would simply sit in bliss.  What a story that was.  Life continues to happen.  I get upset, I get frustrated, I cry when from out of nowhere stuff comes up for releasing, or I cry when I am deeply touched and my heart is breaking open, I have desires and preferences, things arrives as I wish they would and I get excited….then they leave and I wonder what that was about……   Sweet Gentle Surrender.  
Bottom line – I continue to live life…… And somehow I’m living it in a much more intimate way……and from a different perspective. Less resistance, more yeses.   There is much less fear, so much more allowing and living into every experience that comes.  And in this moment, perhaps I’m more like the bird.  Gently held in place while the storms continue all around me until I once again swoop and soar and glide. 
We are on the return Path……..perhaps this Quiet is the return of Presence in my life (ah, the human need to label J) .  This lack of frenetic movement and inner agitation (don’t we all know that one well J ) this new found ability/Presence  that has stayed for weeks, ……….. to simply rest in place, to breathe more deeply, to be with what is……
Wherever you are – it is so perfect……truly you are held and loved and guided and applauded for your ability to play at being human……as one friend describes it – we are God in Drag!!
And what is showing up in your life now, in 2013, to show you how much you have changed and released in 2012…….  I celebrate you.  I send you blessings of sweet patience, grace, and a big bushel of everyday miracles to enjoy.  Namaste’
And today I watched the vultures….they were flying in the sky……… AND then I watched as they just rode the currents without having to move their wings… they were carried on waves of energies and flow without having to do anything……they were carried to a new destination…….. get it??    :-)
All Love 




  1. Miri, this is a beautiful post, I shared it on Google+. Minutes before I discovered your opening comment about seeing the bird above you, I came across this quote:

    "Hope is like the bird who senses the dawn and carefully starts to sing while it is still dark." Anonymous

    My heart is opened wider and it is full. I am grateful to you and to these birds of morning.


    1. Thank you for sharing such a lovely synchronicity and for the quote about the bird. We live in magical times
      Love & Blessings
